F WIO Annual Meeting Report highlights Prepared by FWIO Public Relations Officer Rena Cunning/tum Tweedsmuir History Reporl Mrs. lan Heales. Curator Ontario's bicentennial sparked a great deal of interest in the Tweeds- muir History Books throughout the province. Branches are microfilming and/or photocopying completed books. Students, teachers, researchers, geneologists and historians use these books extensively when compiling information, Royal Agriculture Winter Fair Mrs. Bruce Snider, Chairman A space 10‘ \' 10‘ “as rented by FWIO and used for a promotional display area from Nov. 8 - 17, 1984. Hostesses were from the Districts of York East. York West. Dufferin South, Peel South, Peel North and Prince Edward. Brochures. publica- tions. posters and a set of slides en- titled “Women‘s Institutes in Ac- tion" helped to answer many in- quiries regarding the organization. Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame Mrs. Owen Hawkins FWIO has submitted the name of Miss Emily Guest as candidate to the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame which is at the Ontario Agriculture Museum. Milton. Wl Hall From May to October visitors came to the Women‘s Institute Hall which is part of the Ontario Agriculture Museum at Milton. This year the committee chose to have the showcases describe the past and the present workings of the WI. The floor showcases featured Tweedsmuir Histories, previous minute books. handbooks, publications and pictures of past activities. The wall showcases depicted information on FWIC Conâ€" vention ‘85 Water and Sanitation for All project and the present activities of the JWIO. C.N.E. (Toronto) And Western Fair (London) Mrs. Mary Miller The Rural Organizations and Ser- vices Branch, OMAF, invited FWlO to once again participate at both of these events. For the C.N.E. “Stitch a Quilt" activity, four hostesses per day were recruited form Subdivisions 7, 8, 9. For the same activity at the Western Fair, hostesses came from Subdivisions 21, 22, 23. The quilts were made from blocks that had been sent to the Erland Lee (Museum) Home. This proved to be a successful Opportunity to project a good image of the FWIO to the public. Public Relations Mrs. Rena Cunningham Almost 3/4 of a million dollars was generated by 1,152 Women‘s In stitute Branches in Ontario over the past year. The money was used to support a wide variety of activities and events. WI members presented awards. scholarships and bursaries to students; bought recreation equip- ment for a nursery School; supported public speaking competitions and music festivals; purchased a projec- tor and a microfilm reader; and pro vided a scanner for the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind. To serve community needs, Women‘s insti- tutes made and painted street signs; maintained and equipped communi- ty halls. installed street lights; made puppets for a children's hospital; provided replacement beds for a hospital; supported fall fairs; in- stalled park benches; and compiled cook books. SECRETARY Mrs. Marcie Johnston Two major activities, along with the normal amount of correspond- ence and paper work, kept the secretary busy this year. As chairman of the group leaders for branch secre- tary«treasurers, Mrs. Johnston pre- pared teaching material and assisted in the summary session. As a co- ordinator of a pilot project on rural daycare in Bruce County, Mrs. tunâ€. ston organized the administratit And financial details as well as help it to train participants and evalua. thc project. (A more complete rep. ll (in this project appeared in the Ful‘ 1034 issue of Home & Country.) Treasurer Mrs. Elaine Williams Thirty-one FWIO Scholarsh- ht. qucs and letters of presentatinr rm mailed last year. Mrs. Williau wax a leader at Officers‘ Confercit mt] also attended the agricultural m,» in September at Amherstvicu 1ch Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ,1 ‘the Duke of Edinburgh were guest In, Williams and Mrs. Johnston r in- vcntory at the Guelph Agl'ii un- Centre. According to reports -cFr were 1,152 Women‘s ln Ht; branches with 25,229 membi mil 3,877 life members in 19833. Erland Lee (Museum) Ho Mrs. Mary Miller, Chaim Mrs. Susan CIapham-Hendt :1 i» the new hostess for the Lee l 116. The home is open Monday to I [at from 10:00 am. to 3:00 p.m.- :pt for the month of February, Monday, June 3, 1985 will hi .my don Area Day. Ontario Women‘s institutt ui will be June 4, 5, 6 in 1985. A submission which includci 11P- porting material and a copy ol‘ in tion regarding the acceptan. Ol Erland Lee as co«founder o the Women’s Institute, has been .m r to all provincial units: National 0 cc; FWlC President and President» :ct: Resolutions Convener; FWIO i esi- dent and Secretary and also to l 10 Office. This motion will be pro [6d at the FWlC Convention in llIlC 1985. Officers‘ Conference Mrs. Helen Duffield Secretary-Treasurer There will be no Officers‘ ‘ on; ference in 1985 as a result of a Lttlï¬s'