During (all and the season just before Christmas, when lots of good cooking smells are in the air, it is a good time to remember to buy One tario and Canadian produce. In this way we can support our local fruit and vegetable growers and therefore keep them in production, maintainr ing the wide selection of produce which is available to us. Consider the devalued food dollar if we had to im- port all our fruits and vegetables. Remember to “Shop Canadian". At this time, i would like to welcome two new branches [0 Junior Women‘s institutes, Essex Branch was formed on April 25, 1984 with 10 charter members. Saugeen Branch, near Proton Station, was formed on July 23, 1984 with nine charter members. I extend a warm welcome to these two new branches. Spring meetings were a huge suc- cess again this year. A fun and educa- tional time was enjoyed by everyone who attended. These meetings en- courage JWI members to participate in JWI activities on a smaller scale, thus being less formal. They also pro- vide an opportunity for women to meet members from other branches in their area, promoting unity within the group. I hope to see these meetings continue to prosper in the coming years. A new slate of officers was elected at our annual fall conference in Belleville. They will be encouraging the growth of JWl by increasing the membership and organizing new branches. 1 have enjoyed my year as your J motor Women’s Institutes of Ontario provincial president, I have trzuelled throughout the province ll'xu‘linn many new people at spring mwing: l have spoken to many Womm't in: stitute‘groups on JWl and its‘ from activities. I also representett jwl when Her Majesty Queen El. theth 11 came to Ontario in Septenr qt. [1 was a real honor to be there On whajf of our organization. Thank you all for your -, no†throughout my term ofoffice with Marion Koepke all the best . om new president. I trust you givc . the support and encouragement I! mu showed me when I first ' ink. president. Thank you. Ruth McCurdy 1983 - '84 President 1984-1985 J WIO Executive Past President Mrs. Ruth McCurdy. R.R. #2. Stirling, Ontario. KOK 3E0 603495-2034 (Hastings) President Mrs. Marion Koepke, 525 lst. Street W., Owen Sound N4K 5Y2 519376-9849 (North Grey) Vice President Mrs. Linda Lammers, R.R. til 21st Street. Jordan LOR 180 416-562â€"5671 (Niagara) Secretary/Treasurer Mrs. Joanne Yungblut, R.R. #1 Barron Road, Fonthill LOS 1E0 416892â€"2086 (Niagara) P.R.0. Mrs. Bonnie Prevost, 580 lst Street W.. Owen Sound N4K 5Y2 519â€"376â€"7368 (North Grey) Board Directors Mrs. Carol Hyde. R.R. #5 Rockwood, NOB 2K0 22 519-822-6688 (Riverside) Mrs. Jean Butcher, 110 Main Street, Hillsburgh NOE 120 519â€"855â€"4207 (Erin Twnp) Program Advisors Mrs. Vici Dunk, R.R. ttl Ridgeville, LOS 1M0 416892-5431 (Niagara) Mrs. Donna Henderson, R.R. til Listowel, N4W 306 519-291-4508 (Maple Keys) Mrs. Marg Grieg, R.R. #1 Gorrie, NOG 1X0 519-335-3051 (Howich) Mrs. Helen Thompson, c/o Rawdonrim Farms, R.R. #1 Stirling, KOK 3E0 613-395-3071 (Hastings) Mrs. Wendy Whittaker, R.R. #3 Rockwood, NOB 2K0 519-856-9621 (Riverside) Mrs. Barbara Patterson, R.R. #2 Caledonia, NOA 1E0 416â€"765-2197 (Brant) Mrs. Doreen Burt, R.R. #2 Acton, L7] 2L8 416877-2973 (Erin Twnp) Mrs. Nancy Ebel, 601â€"75 Ea- tie Ave., Toronto, M4C 5N3 416-698â€"3826 (Lucknow) Mrs. Helen Wotten, R.R. #1 Hampton, LOB lJO (Villagel plea Mrs. Brenda Davis, 545 lst.} W†Owen Sound N4K 5Y2 51937 7I'J (North Grey) Mrs. Donna Clark, R.R. #2 ['1 H37 Durham, NOG lRO 519-369- \' (Aberdeen) Ms. Grace Alton, Box 51] Lut. 1“. N00 2H0 5195283205 (Luc in) Program Advisors Mrs. Kath Cunningham, BO' l. Ste. 2 R.R. #1 Elora NOE i5 194346-0740 (Jean Scott) Auditors Mrs. JoAnn MacLeod, 3789 Bower Road, Stevensvil LOS ISO 1116-3824068 (Steve: tllfl Mrs. Helen Miller, 2016 Ridgemount Road, Stevensvi- . LOS 150 416â€"382â€"3843 (Steveil Illfl