Resolutions Replies received on all issues At the Federated Women’s ln- stitutes of Ontario Annual Board Meeting. November 1983, 20 resolu- tions including one emergency resolu- tion were presented to the provincial board for their consideration. The following Resolutions were forwarded as directed and the replies are recorded for your information:â€" Resolution 1. Re â€" Arms control and the search for global security This resolution was forwarded to the Government of Canada and the Secretary of the United Nations. The reply from the Office of the Prime Minister. The Right Honourable Pierre Trudeau, was written by Edward Gorecki. Cor- respondence Assistant. Referring to the Prime Minister‘s recent peace in- itiative, he wrote. "It is hoped that Mr. Trudeau‘s undertaking will lead to progress in arms control and disar- mament negotiations between the superpowers. Canada presently has several priorities in this area, among which are: to support negotiations leading to reductions in nuclear and conventional weapons; to help establish a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty; and to work for the com» plete prohibition of chemical weapons for use in outer space“. Mr. Trudeau asked Mr. Gorecki to thank FWIO for taking time to send him our comments. The reply from the UN came from the Department for Disarmament Af- fairs and was written by Prvoslav Davinie. Special Assistant to the Under-Secretary-General, who acknowledged on behalf of the Secretary-General the Resolution and its accompanying letter from FWlO. Several fact sheets on disarmament were enclosed. Resolution 2. Re â€" Request to allow use of heroin in Canada for ter- minal ill patients This resolution was directed to The Honourable Monique Begin. Minister of National Health and Welfare. In her reply to the Resolu- tion, Mrs. Begin stated the following â€" “I appreciate knowing the posiâ€" tion of your Institute regarding the management of pain in terminally ill 16 cancer patients. as expressed in your resolution on the medical use of heroin. The concern of your members in this regard is easy to understand. and i can assure you that 1 am committed to doing everything possible to alleviate the suffering and restore the dignity of those afflicted with the disease. It is my hope that the report of the Advisory Committee that l have ap- pointed to consider the role of drugs. including heroin. in the management of severe pain. will result as soon as possible, in the alleviation of much suffering.“ Mrs. Begin concluded by thanking FWlO for drawing the Resolution to her attention and for giving her the opportunity to respond to the Board‘s concerns in this impor- tant health area. Resolution 3. Re â€" Request for larger grants for Research into the cause of Schizophrenia; and improve post hospital care for Schizophrenia patients This resolution was directed to The Honourable Monique Begin. Minister of National Health and Welfare. Mrs. Begin replied that the government provides a significant amount of money to support research in the biomedical area. $153 million will be allocated to the Medical Research Council of Canada in fiscal year I984â€"85 to sustain the further development of a sound health research effort and system across Canada. These funds are not alloeated to any specific disease category but are intended to cover a wide range of research activities from fundamental to applied and clinical research in- cluding, through clinical trials, methodologies for the evaluation of disease prevention and treatment. Unfortunately. there have not been many requests for support of research directly related to schizophrenia in the recent past. She assured us that the Medical Research Council would welcome additional good applications from investigators working in this field. In response to the second part of the Resolution, Mrs. Begin replied that improved after-care services tor the mentally-ill is of great concern it. her and her officials. She enclosed .t quarterly journal. “Canada‘s MC‘Ht t Health" which focussed specific:r‘.. on community cure. She Concltttl it by thanking FWlO for the Rest- tion and assuring us that her Dcpn mcnt will continue to pursue the i jective of better postâ€"hospital care schizophrenic and other mentally l patients. Resolution 4. Re â€" Request gin priority in the allocations of Cro Timber to independent loggers This resolution was forwarded The Honourable Alan W. Po. Minister of Natural Resources. .Pope replied that forest managenn objectives and prescriptions . detailed in management pltt prepared for each forest managcmt unit. Allocations ofCrown timber each plan are made to pmvidc :1 Ln tinuing supply of timber for exist forest industries. In the development of for management plans priority is given maintaining commitments established timber licensees. lf th. licensees include independent loggt contractors their needs will be met the degree permitted by the aunt allowable cut. Licences are issued t Crown management units to indepc dent logging contractors under variety of circumstances. but gencr ly there are conditions in “M licences directing timber harvested 21 speciï¬c mill or mills. The concluding paragraph fro Mr. Pope’s reply is as follows: "Your resolution suggests timh allocations to large companies are t- ing expanded at the expense - smaller licensees. l am confident careful review of timber allocatior in forest. management plans will In support your contention. l wou‘ agree to increased allocations to i: dependent logging contractors on when the level of commitments to L‘ isting mills can be maintained. l d not intend to put people out ofwot at existing mills". Resolution 5. Re â€" Request to in crease campaigns to educate students