A year with the Rural Organizations and Services Branch More than 12 months ago. I took on the job of Director of the Rural Organizations and Services Branch and what a year we have had! Looking back. there are several successful programs the ROS Branch and Women's institutes were involv- :d in. The Rural Seminars for Vital People (RSVP) were overwhelmingly received by over 50 different rural .trganizaiions and the WI attendance 1! these leadership training programs tat-‘6 us a glimpse at the support your group has traditionally given \tinistry of Agriculture and Food \rograms. A second RSVP is now be- ng planned for the new year and we nok forward to your participation. Last spring. Joyce Canning and tther ROS staff. helped to develop 'csource sheets for Women‘s Insti- 'tiies aimed at improving program ,tlanning at your branch level. I hope .nu were able to make good use of 'Iial information. During the “settling in stage. iteld staff for our branch were placed ttlld identiï¬ed as Rural Organization :1 Specialists in the counties. districts and regions. Perhaps for them. the task of reorganizing was most dif- ï¬cult. I'm sure now that they have been identiï¬ed. you will offer them your support and help as they get at:- customed to their role. They hate 3 lot of work to do. too much some- times. but they are working hard to serve you and other rural organtia- tions in Ontario. Although the ROS Branch accom- plished a lot in its first year. then: is still much to do. We pliin to continue our thrusts of leadership dost-lup- merit and 4-H into I984. The 4~H program “Ill undergo some changes in 1984. to rnnsultdatc agriculture and homemaktng into a more efï¬cient, single unit. A leaders' committee has been established to give us advice with these changes. First, the upper age limit will he II and second. a bicentennial award will be gist‘n to thosi.‘ completing projects in I984. A two year “grace period" will be introduecd to phase-in the new maximum age and ttpinins ill Reflections from ROS JOYCE Canning (Rural Organizations and Seniccsl Why does the Federated Women's Institute of Ontario exist? What is 'heir purpose? their objectives? What need do they fill today in the rural woman's life? In the ten months that I've been in this job. these are the kinds of questions that i seem to get on a tcgular basis ~ From stall in other ministries who are involved with women's issues. from media people. irom other rural women's groups. and from our own branch staff who are not familiar with the background of the Women's Institute. How would you answer these questions? Are the objectives printed U" page it til lltt‘ new ltandhtmk, the answer? Are the; still pertinent ' [hi {lit} tcll ll'IL' whole \ltth ,' Is this tcallt what Women's Institute is .ihtmi tn the I‘Jtttl's'? What would )0†lllsC Inc in he saying in people when thus ask IliL’st‘ questions? I'd like to hear lmtti tint lull us why you belong in the Women‘s Institute, \s'hat pcruvtltll heitcliis or rewards do you rut-in: hs being a member? What benefits does your community ret‘cisc because til your Women's lnstitult'.‘ This would make a great introduction In the lawn to the Editor section ut‘ the maga/inc. obtaining: silscr spoons or adding hats to agriculture pltititics “Ill I'Cllh'llll in Nti-l. lhcrt: tin: certain gitltittitapes in out: Hi program iii Untarto. -\diittiiislt.tttscly, one program will be caster to run. instead til two with tltllt-tcnl lspcs til paperwork (int: program will prmtdc equal tippot liInIIICs lnr burs .iiid girls and tilt prosed lender training. It will ms! less in the ta\pitiet iii the hint.- ttttt (lllL‘ amt I would like to pursue on behalf at rural organizations iii llll‘ lllllllt' is image. Ate ion interested Ill addressing issues wlitt‘h .itc pertinent in rural people? What role dtt suit “.1â€! tnliiisrns .‘lll ntpntnmtintil’ It II |\ ltl llil\L‘ .l \lllHlï¬L‘l’ \l‘ls‘l‘ Ill HRH ttiltittnl issitt's. then it is lllt.‘ RUN llr.titt‘|i's mandate to ltclp \Vl's l‘lllltl .i more Iticantiiiilitl \tllk'l' lleicltipttiu .lll llllllgc “Ill L‘IHIIH‘ Llll lllR-Illlld tttiii's ttgltttitl place .iititiiist utlict tittitl pumps. [he tiiiztitc nu h.it.t' is sit itiipttrtnnl. because after .I ssliili: llir [K‘rtjcplltllh tll titlit'ts Iii-untit- tt-itlili | wcluitiic sun tn the serum! tent til the Rural (llflillllltlllllll‘s .ttttl \crsttcs littttirli ittitl I look lttiisiittl in meeting tii.itii “tuitcti‘s Itistttuic tttt‘itthcts llltllL' Isrnnt-lh “. Itmn Director R05 llntnt‘h