Trillium Branch. South Simcoe Fifteen women met in late May to form this new branch. Mrs. Doreen Parker is the acting president and Mrs. Seepc Walters is the acting secretary, both of Stroud. Ontario, Chisholm Branch, Parry Sound Vurlh Mrs. Florence Topps was awarded a (.‘crtiticate of Merit in recognition ol her many years of work as curator of the Chisholm history. Her comâ€" mittee compiled two volumes of history and the branch looks upon Mrs. Topps as an inspirational member of the history committee. llurl'urd Branch. Brant South liurlord Women’s institute visited the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Huttleslcad for a Tweedsmuir history meeting. in May. The highlight of the afternoon program was the prescnla~ lion oi an heirloom bequeathed to the homestead by former Burlord W] member Mrs. Edith Rathbun, A trained wreath of wool flowers work- ed in hair pin and created by Mrs. Ratlihun iii the late “300's was presented by her daughter Mrs. Don Mlsncr ol' llrantlord. Welland City Branch. Welland West Mrs. Ethel Hall received a certifi- cate ol' merit for her (it) years as 3 WI member and Jessie Watt, secretary- trcttsurcr ol’ the branch was given an appreciation award for 44 years of service at a ceremony earlier this \‘ettr. ('Iuwes Branch. Sitnene Kempenfeldt Women of the Clowes Branch DufllClplllL‘d in several interesting programs earlier this year. A representative from the Right to Life organization of Simeoe county show- ed slides entitled Where Have All The (‘hildrcn Gone? Mrs. Max Craig sug- creating a house log book detailing all aspects of members homes, Location, size of rooms. floor plan and decor could all be included. she said. Dairy Princess Emily Clark quiLzed the members on their knowledge of milk and also distributed recipes. 20 Garnet Branch. Haldimand West Garnet Women's institute members attended the first Haidimand-Norfoik Council meeting at the new municipal building in Townsend in June. After observing the ï¬rst portion of the meeting, the women were taken on a tour of the building and later returned to Mrs. J. Niehol's home for their meeting which focussed on Canadian immigration laws and facts. Holyrood Branch. Bruce South Mrs. Cecil Sutton was invited to a winter meeting of the Holyrood W1 Wl’s 0 to talk about working with woo] and natural ï¬bres. She explained the i. ferent types of wool and their , and discussed the common pi it which can be used to dye ï¬brest Claus Breeds. director of the E 7 County Museum at Southamt .7. was another guest of Holyrood 3 He gave a slide presentation on recent improvements made to museum. Marmion Branch, Grey Centre This Women‘s Institute group an interesting method of studyit particular topic each year. A The Siauffvi/le Women ’5 Institute were the guests of the Heritage Seekers. 4-H Heritage Cooking Club, a! a buffet luncheon earlier this year. Foods Eastern Europe such as barsch soup and plum puddings were made for t ut't'astan. The Club leaders for this course were Mary Davidson and Dian Darling. Pictured from left to right are (front row) Nancy Darling. Jacl Hulslmf, Cathy O‘Connor. Tracy Andrews. In the back row, Charmair Lintner. Christine Dtibe, Leanna Sanders, A rlene Irwin, Debra Lonergan at Kelly Foster. These members of the Laura Rose Stephen Branch were present at the Ontario Agricultural Museum in Milton in June for the unveiling of the likeness 0! Laura Rose in the Agricultural Hall of Fame. From left to right they Wt Marjorie Milroy, Elinor Linton, Helen Scheffel, Audrey Gillespie. Marga!“ Edworthy, Marilyn Sharp, Hester Hawley, Pam Sharp and Anna Franklin.