[he Alguncs. Mother and duughch-In-lau boll-I MI) mo I. ll as a Icamlng aux-nann- and ll'lul IIuIch g, Mrs. Arlhur Alguirr. \us IInc Hi my IhIL-c m-Incn ' :bnorcd ill the Cornwall Centre “I. Slummnl DnHKL .Il hit 70m Annlwngu') (alchulnm "1 null) cmuycd cw!) mm: of It." Inc up .Ibuul her W1 I:\[\‘r1cncc~ Sh: It.“ Idem In I‘NS and h.» hcld nun} nlhc: III'ï¬cc» mu Ihc _ A3 for lhc changm. xhc up {hurt hun- bccn nun}. "ll w [he hum: .Ind hugg) dub uhcn l lint Inmcd l 5.1“ mber mcklng Ihv: cmdh: mth mm mm .Ind chummg ncr \Mlh ll’k‘ IIIth " Daughlcr-In-lnu. Mrs. Basil Alguire. iuncnl PlL'\ILknl, spcnl [7 yeah wurklng In mnnus (.lf‘dt‘lllLN In the RETURNS T0 HOMELAND Ann D'Crul. second \'l(L'*Pl’l:>ldcn[ III lngluide “I, ormonl District rcrcnll) n-lumcd mth hl'l' hu~hdnd IN .I il [0 lhclr nanu: Pnkulnm .Il‘lcr .In .Il‘Ncnu.‘ “I 2.133.“ Then. the) had hccn pan of an 'IHIIJEL'J IlllnIITll), gIIsh-spcuklng. bum ul Engllxh .Ind PIInIIgucw pnn‘nlx. slam in dress. cuslums .InII culturv. ('hrulun .IIIIIIIIp Indus and Muslin“ The}. were that In 1047. when Eusl .Ind “ml Puknmn rc cmatcd uul nl' IndIu'~ nunh-cm l’t‘thLN -\nII .IV .In ‘ble ntrugglc and stnlc IhIII wcnl lln " They rclumcd Incelehmlc lhc lSlh unnnchrj. II! hIIIIl'II-r . ichael. :I pnesl wnh [he l'IIInuwun Urdu Trnwllmg mm 'm I’m 2"; weeks {mm place In plIIcc. "palace and hmcl," nn \illd ~hc uusn'l prcpmcd lIIr whul \hc luuml .|:I uch for whul shc mm as hn“ she mm It "I lhIIIk H1 um I fc lhen: 24 years agu. and l wuldn'I help lhInkIIIg whcrc ~ crc we 24 3mm ngn lh.Il “L‘ IlIIln’l we IhI‘ nccd» Ih.II xlsl?" LIfc In Canada has mudr: II dIl'lcrcn-:c. hth hcuusc Ihc ‘Ial slruclurc l5 nnl “1 sIrIctlI. deï¬ned. "In the pnpulnlwn dcnsc. l rcmcmhcmd Puknun mu I'IIMIlI-Il. hnucu‘r. c country has gone a long any una: w: IL‘lL huI unIIInII al crush (If pnpululmn Ichhl mIllIIIn In Karacln. .I HI} r madcquulc housmg. lllm.'\\_ IlIfl'IculI "Illhlklrhlllun. lxk of cducaliun and lruInIng LAKE. WI. ALGOMA DISTRICT and All Indcr rv» ccntly became the ï¬rst lama]: mlllerghI In “nun†Philharmonic Orchestra c size of Tnmnlm lhal ~hc sccx L“ the pmhlcm. lhc mum LINDA LOU NELSON. lurmu warm!) III ELLIOT Mrs. Roml Macmillan, fnr'mcr “VIC Starla). h.“ complclcd a new alhum. "Scan-a} Valley l-nldlc Tunes “ This is her second album and lfls‘lULk\ fIIur IIrIgInal clump"- silions. Roma has more Ihzln 80 IrnphIn In hct crcdu and recently placcd ï¬rsl Inthc North Arncrican Scnmn‘lms hclIJ III Quebec. She began her carccr 1s I1 vuIlInIsI wIlh lhc Mnnltcnl Mn LI\I\ L'rleJl. J. lllClI‘ll‘Cl’ ul Bl.l'E\\':\TER \\'l. GREY WEST DISTRICT. .nnl Dcpul) Rcmc ul S.Ir.I\\.Ik Tuunxhlp “Lh clcl‘lcd \\ JIIJCII III Gm) L‘uunl} IIII NS: HJIInI: mmplcrcd her lL‘llll .n HVIU Hmnl llIIL-clur III NU. Mn l'nlmll “.u (It-{ltd lu IhI: luml Samnnk TImn \hll‘ (‘Uunkll IlI.II \JlllC ‘w‘n Lnlx hm .I It“ "hnh" In hrl pnllln’al mrn‘I l‘k‘nhllcu lhc lll\‘\l Importml Ix lln‘ llhl LIIIn‘I \l.||l_L‘.hll'I cln‘lcd \\ .II den In LIIm Mr SJIII “(\lllldn. mm A" mu \\.In|cn In I‘J-lh‘ III .IdIIIlIIIn ll‘ bun-nun; lhc l'nxl \\|‘Il1.|ll “unlun m (Fwy. \lIL‘ \I..I~ Iln' IIN IIIIIIIJII ulcdnl l'IIIIInIl llll‘llll‘L‘l In her unn lImmhIp. 5.1m“ .le lhu l\ Iln‘ hm lIll’lL‘ III lll\l|‘l‘tlul .I l‘k‘puh Rum: lI.I\ NI‘II I‘lcvlnl \\'.uIlcn .InIl \ln‘ “.h lhr: E'IN “IIIIIJII III \l[ l‘“ (‘uunn L‘I‘UIhIl l,III~. .IIIII llll‘hdlhl inl. ll.l\|‘ .I l.|ll'|ll‘- IIIIIII.I\lIII_I- l‘lhl ncw .IIIIl ll'l‘ l‘ Imp-Imth to: thc lamkkccplng ,IIIII Ilc \llll'h, .IIIJ Ill.l\\\ hllli‘l‘lllllN In: llI||l\L‘ Slu‘ h llhl \ nu l‘nwnk‘nl I-l llIc “In llIIn‘I‘ \IcJ And Nlnnp l0 llw (NI-n ‘imnnl :\gIIIIIlIIII.I| Nun'u .llhl lN II qInIlIlInl I'.II| IuIII unlgc III lIrI \IMII' llll‘lk“ \III‘ wwx. I\ .I \LIIIcIl null pclwn .InIl [v.IInh -\\ .I IIII'Inth IIl lln‘ Hllll.‘\\.lk'l \\ l‘ l I||\ lIlIK IIIIII IIIIxml nnI: IIII‘cIIng III I-II'I 3| \r.|n lhc ('lI.IIII II! (“Inc lI.I~ lln‘ le"l IIl (ll|‘\ ('IIIIIIII .IIIIl cm‘lI Vit'lll‘ll Illl‘llllll llk' LII.I|II ll(‘]‘|\l\ \Illllk‘ ‘prnt III [IlL‘ l‘ImIIII Ic ll‘l'lC\l‘fll-1l1‘~l‘ I-l lIIIlI.In\ lln‘ 1m! ll.lll\l'\. Lumlny. lhlllnu. CIIIIIMIIIII lh'mm‘n I'.IIlI [ILIlc .IlL‘ IIII' cnglncd l|.Ill]L‘\ In All IlIc I'llllllh IIuiIIIcs M l IIIx w lIl1IIIyII ~.III|. "II I'\ .I I‘Illh \M‘Ipfllh I-IILII .llII! Innkc‘ Inc \l-Inhh .IquI‘ III Iln- [t'\|\1|1|\ll‘llllll‘\ Ih.II .l\\lllll pumcx th‘ nlln L‘ " HHS M {'Rï¬fallll'. Ir‘lRIII \ (IR! l ( nr'x‘l l" I'JNB