PRESENTATION OF MACDONALD AWARDS Dr. Barham invited Mrs. Diamond to review the history of the Awards program for which Ontario Women‘s Institute members gave the money over 30 years ago in tribute to Mrs. Hoodless and W i pioneers. Congratulations were extended. not only for winning the Awards but for the achievements attained which merit- ed their reCeiving them. Best wishes were extended by Miss Molly McGhee as she discussed future paths into which their choices at University could lead them. A sandwich supper followed before it was off to class let those having evening studies. , . . , R, seated are. Mary Nahuis. Simcoa.‘ Carolyn Tim- 7, Holdimand; Audrey Vanden Hettvel. Huron; Jean nrdell, Perth. back row, Mrs. Diamond, FWlO Presi- nt; Janet Mamie, Hastings; Debbie Sweetman, Nipis- 1g; Allison Mills, Carleton; Dr. Richard Barham, ting Dean, College of Family and Consumer Studies. HAFFEY’S LOCKS WI. LEEDS NORTH DIS- RICT. conferred ltfe membership honors on four live members. A cake. to honor the occasion is being ‘1 by L-r, Mrs. Hazel Jarrett. Mrs. Alice Warren, "lrs. Francis Davis and Mrs. Maybelle Hughson after ’lt’ Ofï¬Ct‘al presentation. Macdonald Award Certiï¬cates and $200.00 cheques were presented to 13 students in their ï¬rst semester. College of Family and Consumer Studies. University of Guelph. at the University Centre. One recipient was unable to attend. In the absence of Dean Janet Wardlaw. Dr. Richard Barham. Acting Dean, welcomed students. Also present were Miss Molly McGhec. Director Home Economics Branch. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Miss Lorraine Holding, Regional Supervisor of Home Economists. and Mrs. Clarence Diamond. FWlO Presi' dent. L-R. seated are. Sandra Albrecht. Wentworth; Leslca Dalrymple. Durham; Debra Baker. York; Ingrid Glitt- bers, Oaford: back row, Miss Molly MiG/rec, Dircctor, Home Economics Branch. OMAF,‘ Sharon Mann. Perth," Marina Boot. Wellington; Miss Lorraine Hold- ing. Regional Supervisor. Home Economics Branch. SAURIN W I. SIMCOE CENTRE DISTRICT. prawn! life metttberrht'p to one oft/iet'r faithful members. L-R. Mrs. Donald Jacobs, former FWIO Board Director receives certiï¬cate from Branch President, Mrs. Donald Bertram. | l