Cltrismms at the Lee The weatherman was generous. helping it: make the day a real success. The first "Christmas" event drew 355 penple whit were taken back in time to 1897 when the} stepped over the threshuld to [ind the Home decorated with cedar garlands, [he kissing ball. the popeurn and craiiherr} strings and the pioneer kitchen table laden with fund. The table arrangements with the apple ptrainid and 5pruee cones and cedar britiglis \Vttllitl have heen I_\ pit-ul III that period, The Drive House was a little more modern “Hit the de- corated cedar tree and garlands. All enitned tlic iltli mulled cider and old Fashioned etmkies. The Lieutenant (itiverritir ul Ontiiiiii. llei liilrlutll Pauline M. MCGibbun was the special guest iil'tlte al'teriimin ller Honour had the opportunity to [Utll the Hume, meet the Committee. Board Directurs and especially the IItL‘lit- hers assisting Erland Lee‘s daughter. Mrs, Alice l-recl. inciti- her tJfSalItleet Branch and her three nieces talled in run, Miss Molly McGhee, Director ut- the Hume l'ceintiimgs Branch. Ontario Ministry at Agriculture and Fund iis well as a member of the Erland Lcc Cnmniittee extended L‘tL‘L’lr mg: to all on behalfof the Branch. A welcome was extended to all h) the Chairman. Mis. \largiiret Zueller. Her Huntitir spuke brictl). iiiid theii :iiingled throughout the crowd chatting with those pieseiit. \lrs. Diamond extended thanks ti) Mrs. McLiihhiin and in all those assisting, while Mrs. Miller \velctiined all iipiiii arrival. and the secretary treasurer Mrs. Murden rcsptinsihle tor sales had the newly designed hilSll riiiles and tiivcl With the Home on it on sale for the ï¬rst time. Many members helped to make the day a sticeess and a .peeial thanks to Blacklteatli Branch l‘ur stringing pnpciirii .iiid cranberries and to Board Directnr Mrs. Gen. Cullings ltll making the kissing ball. To relive the past, cave all an tipptirtunity tu appreciate the future activities for the Erlaiid Lee (Museum) llume. One of the demonstrations in the upstairs in the Drive House. York West members Mrs. E. Kellamiii works on a quilt block and Mrs. C. Graham demonstrates needlepomt. Mr. Tom N/mmo, pipes Her Honour and the off/crai party into the Lee Home to meet more members, Traditional Kissing Ball