E rland Lee (Museum) Home Mrs, Margaret Zoeller. Chairman A REVIEW of the work ml" the (‘ommtttce and activities at the Home was presented by the ('ltaitman. at lhe PIUVinClul Board Meeting. Mrs. Murder], secretary-treasurer presented a compree henstvc ï¬nanctal statement including day to da} operations and investments tor the Foundation Fund. The butylcr alarm sistem has been installed in both the. Home and Drive House and hostess Mrs Beacluu reports a deeper some ol‘sccutity with this added protection. 0 DECISIONS MADE FROM COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE BOARD The Foundation Fund campaign will remain open until November 1980‘ - Assessment of 104,! will remain on fee sheets for 1979/80, - Each Branch has received an application form for bus tours. Fill in and return your request to Mrs. Victor Beachin. R.R.I. Ridge Road. Stoney Creek, L86 3X4. Telephone t4l6) 662-2691. The policy still remains, car- loads are welcome without bookings. - The Home will be open Monday through Friday every month except February. - Visiting hours 10.00 am 7 3.00 pm EXCEPT open daily July and August. a NEW POLICY No refreshments served to visiting groups. however tea kettles are now available for members to make their own refreshments. (coffee or tea to be brought in by visitors), 0 ONTARIO WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE WEEK June 2 â€" 6 Visiting hours this week only l0.00 am - 4.00 pm o SEMINAR (training for hostesses) April 10 9 , I 3-30 pm- on . . SIMCOE AREA DAY April 17 10.00 am - 5.00 It Articles will be accepted on this day to be solo "gm! W l Week, . "-lt‘a ‘4 Her Han. Pauline McGibbon meets the Lee’s, left I‘l-é Free], daughter of Erland Lee, centre, granddaugr Er/and, Mrs. Catherine Ryan, Mrs. Janet Davis (I Alison Score/bar, partial/y hidden; Mrs. Wm. Mil/er camera. EatANï¬ LiEICOMMlTTEE prepare for a meeting_ L.r Mm MOI/y McGheel Director, Home Economics Branch] M hart“ / er, rs. Ade Marden, Secretary Treasurer, Mrs, Margaret goal/er, Chairman] Mm Florence Diamond, President ,,.«/0. 20