TREASURER'S REPORT Mrs. Clifford Ritchie Number of Branches 1,224 Number of Members 28.064 Number of Life Members 3,189 Mrs. Ritchie conducted all the ï¬nancial transactions and investments for FWIO and assisted with a detailedinventory review at the ofï¬ce. Donald T. Green, Charter Accountant. Strathroy was responsible for the audit. SECRETARY'S REPORT Mrs. Jeanette Sager All correspondence and secretarial duties have been com- pleted since the semi annual meeting. In addition to regular meetings, ofï¬cial functions in- cluded the opening of the Agricultural Museum, the addi- tion of the Adelaide Hoodless Home; the tenth anniversary of the Niagara Junior W I; the various activities at the Er- land Lee Home. Time was spent looking for a suitable meeting place in Toronto for the annual FWIO Board meeting. ,7. WP’S OF THE W! SCHOLARSHIPS Mrs. Stewart Anderson County, District and Area Scholarship winners were ran. fied. Prince Edward County has no applicants. so they W111 be eligible for two next year. Macdonald Entrance Awards, are now known as the Fed. erated Women’s Institute Macdonald Award to the College of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Guelph Awards were granted to fourteen applicants. Dorothy F utcher Scholarship Miss Jean Healey, R.R.3, Smith Falls, Winner Miss Anita Hartford, R.R.3, Roseneath, Alternate Florence P. Eadie Scholarship Miss Betty Errington, R.R.3, Auburn, Winner Miss Ann Watson, R,R.1.Paincourt, Alternate Sixtieth Anniversary Award Miss Trudy Wallace, R.R.2, Shelburne, Winner Miss Joan Almond, R,R.4, Meaford, Alternate L-r Mrs. Russell Campbell, Ofï¬cers" Conference Secretary Treasurer; Mrs. Earl Morden, Erland Lee Home Secty Trees; fl- Clarence Diamond, President; Mrs. Clifford Ritichie, Tress-Mrs. John Brown, PRO; Mrs. Jeanette Sager, Secretary; Mrs. F r H a we, Cura tor, ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR Mrs. Wm. G. Miller Mrs. Miller attended the Field Crop Trophy presentations at the Royal at one ofthe luncheons. The feature exhibits for 1979 Was soybeans with 1980 feature crop to be potatoes. Mr. Peter Hannam, a farmer, was the guest speaker and said “that they were at the meet- ing to honor all who are feeding the world." He spoke of the large increase in the production of barley, wheat and rapeseed in all of Canada. Canadian farmers are doing a great deal to improve the quality of their crops to help feed the people ofvar‘ious nations. HOSPITALITY REPORT Mrs. Isabel Powell. Convener The Convener had received letters from W l membef outside the country requesting contacts here. These \ver. forwarded to Board Directors where the visit would b. made. Ninety members of the Extension Homemakers 0: St. Joseph's and Kalamazoo counties in Michigan toured Essex North District in June. Plans are underway for an exchange visit between Nor- folk Federation of W 1’s in England and Norfolk North and South Districts in Ontario in 1981-82. Mrs. Powell had shared in the visit of the Staffordshirï¬ ladies and convened the refreshments at the open house 31 the Hoodless Homestead in June.