trganlzed women's groups gathered together at the Roebuck Community Centre to show off the quilting schnlques learned at the training school on quilts conducted by Home Economist, Mary Michels. Over 100 .omen were welcomed by Joanne Thauvette the Home Economist at the Summary Day when the quilts and Jilted articles made by the group were displayed as a result 0! the course. A film, Grannies Quilts, was much aioyed. One hundred and fifty women, representing 13 Wl's from the Niagara area gathered for a summary day Spotlighting Bread. Courses sponsored by the OMAF, through the Home Economics Branch are available to any group, free of charges Group leaders attend a day-long workshop ses- sion, then return to their own groups to pass on the knowledge. The Summary Day featured all types of goodies made with yeast. With newly-learned skills of bread making and a little Valentine creativity. Mrs. J, B, Kinnaird, CROWLAND WI pulled her cinnamon buns into a heart shape. Her creation was on display at a sum- mary day spotlighting bread, held at Stamford Memorial Hall,