rtAF staff members attending Minister's dinner. Lâ€"R Mr. A. G. Bennett. Director Extension Branch; Miss Molly :Phee. Director Home Economics Branch; Mr. K. E. Lantz, Deputy Minister; Dr. G. H. Collin. Director Production and Hal Development. MINISTER‘S DINNER The FWIO Board were guests at a dinner hosted the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Due illness, the Hon. Wm.Ne\iman was unable to at- .id. Deputy Minister Mr. K. E. Lantz spoke about Ag: .iilture and its multiplier affect on the economy. Agv ulture is important in its own right. surpassing any itL'l' industry in the province by providing one in ery 4Jobs resulting from agricultural endeavours. The family farm still is important and continues to * ti viable business, It is encouraging to see 257 of graduates from schools of Agriculture returning to i: Iiirrn. Over the last ï¬ve years there has been a 50“? ti'ease in enrollment in Agricultural Colleges. The Women‘s institutes have played a leading role the preservation of the family farm Its record of -.|tievement in preserving the quality of family living important and yet the W 1 has become imolved in re current and on-going events of to-day. REST AREA AT THE ROYAL Mrs. Orval Jordan and committee were responsible r the display and stafï¬ng during the Winter Fair. :he Erland Lee Home. FWlO‘s major proyect was a PCCla] feature. Public response was quite good. an lddcd feature was a replica of the Erland Lee Home ind an opportunity for the public to donate to the f'uugdation Fund. Over $90.00 was added to the tin , The staï¬ were busy answering questions about the W l and telling about the programs and opportunities Prm'lded by a voluntary organization. JUNIOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTES Mrs. Douglas Tottenham Good newsâ€"the membership is growing! Two new branches were organized in June. one in Norfolk and one in Emu. il'any District does not have a Junior W I risk your Home Economist. Board Direc- tor or any Executive member of the .l W l for assist- ance. Reports were given about the Spring Board meet- ing held at Snelgroi'e and the Annual meeting. The Annual was held at Milton with approxi- mately sixty present. Mrs. Gina Traver. Niagara Col» lege guest speaker. talked about you as a person. dem- onstrating tips on personttlit) rind poise. She also discussed the art nt‘ makeâ€"up and fashions that suit your ï¬gure. Special guests brought greetings. Provincial Presi- dent Mrs. Diamond. Mrs. John MeNabb. Halton Dis- ll'lCI President: Mrs. L. A. Jefferson. local Board Direc- tor; Miss Lorraine Holding. Regional Supenisor for the Home Economics Branch: Mrs. John Brown. Pro- vincial PRO. Mrs. Margaret Minor was elected President and Mrs. Mary Hall Secretary Treasurer. PRO Miss June Alton and FWIO Board directors. Mrs. Linda Totten- ham and Mrs. Ruth McCurdy. Junior Women's Institute Scholarships were awarded to two girls continuing their education. Nancy Alton. Lucknow Junior Branch is attending Ryerson Polytechnieal Institute majoring in Home Economics and Jean Emmott. Brantl‘ord Juniors is studying Psychology at the University of Western On- tario.