Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario Annual Meeting Provincial Board of Directors Mrs. John Brown PRO PRESIDENT‘S REPORT Mrs. Clarence Diamond Mrs. Diamond told about her role as President luring her ï¬rst year in oï¬ice. She was able to attend a great many Branch and itstriet anniversaries, a District Craft Fair. special 4H lomemaking, Achievement Days. District Annuals. .lr. Gordon Bennett‘s retirement party and Miss H. .IcKercher’s portrait unveiling for the Canadian Agri- tltural Hall of Fame. Regular and special Committee meetings. Girls‘ ont‘erence and 4H Leaders’ Breakfasts as well as the rland Lee and W] Hall on the Agricultural Museum ‘te were only some of the extra meetings attended by e President. Mrs. Diamond represented FWIO at a special un~ [lllng of a plaque honoring Adelaide Hoodless at u ublic school in Hamilton. bearing her name. At the reeling held in the school auditorium. sponsored by .; Provincial Council of Women. she told about Mrs. . todless and her contribution [Ollth Women's lnsti» .t: movement. A group of Ohio Farm Bureau members visited trious locales in Southwestern Ontario and the Niug» 'tRegion. Mrs. Diamond and some of the FWIO Es- uuve were able to join the local Women‘s Institute .twities, Mrs. Diamond concluded her report “I think our mrds show we have been working together for the immon good. trying to determine the direction ofhu- -.m history." DIRECT OR’S REPORT Miss Molly MCGhee. Director Home Economics Branch. OMAF, spoke ol'the long assoctation between the Home Economics Branch and the Women's lnsti- tutes. stating “the Home Economics Branch has con- tributed to the growth of your organization. now the Home ECDnOmlCS Branch needs your help." As you are probably aware. money is tight and we must compete for a piece of the tax pic. The Branch continued to seek new ways to serve all rural resrdents in the province. Miss McGhee encouraged all to promote larger atâ€" tendances at training schools. summary days and food forums. which are open to all residents In the province. She asked that branches actively seek new leaders for training schools. In comparison with other provtnces OMAF through the Home Economics Branch is most gener- ous with support and assrstancc to the WI'S. “We are grateful for all the help you provide for both Junior and senior progrums." Lust year we had 5.524 leaders. about 75"? of whom the WI found for the Home ECO- nomics Branch. This work and what you do In keeping the history ol‘ iocul communities alive through the Tweedsmuir Histories, the Erland Lee Home and the W! Hall are all important. The Home Economics Branch hopes you will take a serious look at some of these suggestions and lhul your renewed and more Vigorous support will ensure that both the Branch and FWIO will become much more viable than in the recent past. Mrs, H. L. Nob/m, Ontario Vice President FWIC. chats with the two Junior Board Directorsrepresenting the J'WIO on We FWIO board. Mrs. Ruth McCurdy and Mrs. Douglas Tortenham,‘ and MrS. Clarence Diamond FW'O Pms'denl.