Repair leaking faucets. Rcsnurcm dillLl lndlcatc that il'you permanently lower \tlllr lI‘IL‘rmllsltll setting l‘rnm 23°C to 20°C (27°F to l18"|")\'nll will saw about If.) pcrccnt on your fuel con- \Uflll‘llltln. Look tll II In anItlt‘s ll‘yntl now spend $300.00 a mnlcr on hutltlng. a Ill pcrcunl saving on fuel saves \‘lill 530110 I tlr mun mnrc szlxlng. they .ldl‘isc to drop ltltlr thcrmusttll hl, 3“('15“I )zlt night. Sll li’ylltlr pres- t'nl tcnlpurnttlru l; ETC (72"l') ill] the “Inc. and you Imwr it tn 20"‘(‘ (68°F) during the tilt} and cut it back .lnnthcr J"’(' (54') tll night )lltlr mmhlnetl sllving L'IIUILI hu Ii purut-nt. Thls llgtlrc L‘UUICI hc u Ilttlc more lll less dcpuntllng tlplln instllntmn. IUCLII wcuthur con- dltlllns Lil‘lLI II'IL‘ mst III ILIL‘I. Then: an: lulu u’uvs )Ull cnn tlt'L'tmlplish tempera- tllrl: scthzluk .tntl sL‘ltlpI h} .llI_|llSIln,l_â€"l thc thcrmnstat nmntltlll} .lt the prllpcr tlmcs llr by ll‘lstailllng :t new thurm-lstlll llllll \\|II llLlllllllilllL'LlII} Imch the lcnlpcrw llll'l: .11 nlghl .llltI r.llsc lt .lgdln In the mllrnlngjtlst he- lurc you gct up Ihc tltllllnllltlt' dcvlcc lnmhcs mm: illllltII lll\L'slrllL'lll but II1|.\ utltltly l.\ more than rcptlid In tIt-pL-lltltlhlllt) :lntI snug) savings over El purind nl lllIlL‘ lhcrmllsmt LII\L’l[‘IIIlL’ mtl} he the hcst Cl‘lclg} .stn- lll'E' Il.lhll \llll Luln ducltlp htlt lhcrc ttre lllIlL'l' \\;t}s’ [U saw cncrgs lI'll'lllllr’h LIINCIPIIHL‘. I'hc must 0h\‘llltls lï¬ tn tl'llln )llllrsull Il‘ lllrn llfT lights than ter HUI. hump tlsed. I‘sL' lltllll‘t‘st't'nl lights \s'hcn \llll Ltlll. Thu} .lru I‘tltlr tllllt‘s mllrt' clllt'lcnt th.ln lllt‘.‘llltIL‘\L‘Clll I‘llIhs. \‘l‘nldtlw tlllllr tlnd L'tlrtttlll tIlsCllenc Cllll help you sllc cncrg} tlvll. l cttrn h.lhlts ulll ItL'Ip )ml nuke II]\' mllsl lli .lII lklrms lll'cnt‘tg} ttl'ttlltlhlc tl- _\lltl Dlll’» lllg IIIL' len. llll usumplu. llpun tlrupcs Lllld slltltlcs Ul'l .III \tlntllms Ill.ll IllL’c lht' stlll ‘\IIH\\ thcm tn L'llIIuL'l su. |.ll’ uncrg) \\I1L‘llt‘\ t'r ll ls ;l\.ll|;lhlu. ('Illsc tILlpt‘s and slltltIt-s .lt night In IL’IJIII Ilcllt I)“ [IlL' \tlfnL' \\llIl tltlurs htlt It‘tttc stul'nl tllmrs tlnsutl lIlllsu ter lust .l ll:\\ mus um um stll‘c cncrp \sith plllltl lump Imhlts ls thls untlluss nlggllng \ultclllng \H‘rIIl thc t‘llln‘l†\‘usl (inc ['5 sttld} OI t'nurg} use t'llmpnrt'tl I.\‘\ll ltlt'lltlttll I1t‘li‘\C\. \ldL' h} \llIL'. \‘L'L‘llplt‘d Il_\ Illmlllcs I'I \IIlllItlf sI/L' IIlt' .lmutlnl lll t'llcl‘g} used \ltls FCCUHIL‘kI llll ulcll lllltlsc (‘unstlmptlun tlltl'crctl b} it! PL‘I’L‘L‘HI lhcrulllrc. hung huhlts nullst' thc tllll‘crr cllt't‘. ll‘ )lltl \HlllILI llkc tn Ic.ll'n .ltItJltlllnnl \l.l\s tll sane mulls} scnll lnr tllt- Inn-L L'IlIIIIL'LI "lllll “unis In Saw MUHL‘} ttlltI I IiL'I'ITW Ill II‘IL' III'IHC“, l'IIIL'L'VHI‘ i'nurstw (‘llnsc'l’ultlmt |)uptlrtlllcllt til I twig}. :‘lllltt‘s Rt:- slllll't‘lss ('nnatln. SKI) Bl‘llllIl Stu-ct. ()ttttutl. H I ‘\ llE-I I'ht‘ IIlllllL‘ Illulllt'h ILI\ tllsll short Ullll'NL“ llll t'llt'lgx L‘llllsunntlurL ll' \lltl llr \llllr I‘lrill‘lL‘Il ls lntcrt'le-d Ill lull'nlllg llllll'L' tlhlltll t'nt'rlfl cunâ€" scrl'tllltln lll tllt' IIUII'IL‘. mill or \\ FIIL‘ mur t'uunlt Home It‘llnllmlsl. V I I L'tlnllmIL's 3ll WILLISCROFT WINTER PROJECT The Williscroft WI, Bruce East District wcrt- busy making a quilt for Participation Lodge and CIO“ n “mg to be worn at the Paisley Beef Fest parade. Beci’-un.u_ bun was prepared and served by the WI. Thls um. proved succeSSFul both as a community venturc ml n, nancially. The Branch also was involved in a project "M um“ and Jam ColTee Break held at the Flea Muriw Paisley. .i'l . 4 Willlscrol'l WI, Bruce East Dlslrlcl, members set t. coffee break. L-Fl Judy Grant. Gail Wolfe, Judy Mal non, Branch President. I H Queenslon‘Sl Davids WI, Llncoln Dlstrlcl preset "5' membership at 70th anniversary. L-Fl Mrs. A, 0. SH 59 PreSldent presents life membership certificate ' badge to Mrs. A. E. Huggins.