inne Thauvette. former clothing specialist in head at- a now County Home Economist in Carleton and 9nwll9, models a beautiful cotton polyester print ‘53. The versatility of both design and fabric is a must any wardrobe. The addition of scarves or jewelry al- a this dress to fit any occasion. On a cool day a long eved shirt or blouse worn underneath adds that extra vmlh. What does the word lhshionublc mean to )ou'.‘ Do It dress to follow the latest Fashion trends? Or do l dress to suit yourself? “Spring Fashion Focus" is u nuw program pru- llutl by the Home Economics Brunch ol‘ the Min- \ ol‘ Agriculture and Food. It tclls you how to he Vliiomihlc in your own personal Wily. The program consists of a slidc presentation to- ith with samples of new spring fabrics rind fash- ‘ to Demonstrations on color. style and tin: to xutt ‘ "Il‘ individual ï¬gure will ulso be featured. A \pccittl 1‘ noon clothing for the full ï¬gure will end thc pres- LiildtIOn. SPRING FASHION FOCUS Who I5- thc "Spring Fushion l'ttt‘us" tor“ Women oi all agcx JHLl shdpcx “Ill Ic.irn trom this program. Fashion Fonts Lccps in mind the ILIlL‘\l t;t-.hion_x. but also rcntumhcrs' tittil uomcn do not till httu‘ pur- l‘L‘L‘l ï¬gure.» You \\tll Imirn thttt humusc Ilishionx must bc ttorn h} an indi\ it must .llxtt \llll tit-non. What cun “Spring l .ixhion locus" do for toii‘| “Spring Ftishion l‘otiix" \\1|l ~lto\\ )oii hon to gut the mmt \iiluc out o1‘ .i tintith clothing htitlgct You “Ill \.ll\Ct‘|\L‘|' the tricks to color co-ordiitittcd \cpurutus. Urdii'iur} \\.ii‘drohcs \\'lll hcuonic \lIITL‘I' \\.1|'Lilt1hL‘\ uhcn mt‘h plum“ guts 1H|\L'Ll .ittd mult'hcd \ttth othcrs Conic \ihL‘t'flL‘l ho“ to .it‘t’L-swri/L- _\oui Littll’llllzi and come out looking l.t\llit||1.ll‘lL‘. Fashion locus \\Ill Liku .i look .it the "l \N'lllltllA“ in u \VitrLll'UhC ll “Ill tcuvh mil lion to .idd \illllc "/Il'lg‘ crs" Llnti "l,\tcndcr\" to brighten up sonic I‘Lllllly othâ€" cruise considcrcd oiitdntud For the sct\-tl-}titttst'l| (mud. lltl\ [trot-moi \\lll ptcwnl it \ClL'L'lltIlI ol puttcrns .md lili‘l'lCN to .IKNL‘Illl‘lL' Into .1 t'o-ordinutud \\.tl\ll‘«thc. lltoti haw dilllt‘iiltt lilllllg rumlt to \\c.1i Llolliiiiu. _\ou \\'|ll L'l1_|t|_\ lltL' xpmml «moon on, “I .ixhioitx tot th' Full Figural Wonitm" “hon can _\i\lt we “Spring Itiwliion lotio'"I ('oiitutt \otir looil Homo l t‘ttlhlllllNI .il tliu ItL‘.llL‘\| tillit‘r: ol- th" \illlhlt‘} ol \grit’tilltiti: tlllkl ll'lHl l’ltc “Spring l'dhl‘lltill locus" lii't‘xt‘iiliitioit |\.ll‘tt1tl J 104 limits long i'iuscnllt it IN living \llt1\\ll .i|| “\Cl tho prLHlllL‘L‘ ol' (lntuiio Fold out ulicn )ott L.l|l m.- it' ness class or shopping.