FIRST PRESIDENT FWIC On June 14th I978. a bronze plaque was untcitcd 2n Cookstown. Ontario. This wax a joint project or [he iimcoe County Historical Association and the Cooks. itiitn Historical and Heritage Society. assmied bx the i‘niincils of Simcoe County and the Village or Chute. nun. "Hie plaque reads: EMILY MURPHY (“JANEY CANUCK") 1868-1933 Emily (Ferguson) Murphy. born on u neurh} t‘.irni. ,h raised in Cookstmvn. 1n I887 hl'lt: married Rue ..ihur Murphy. whose work took them to many On~ no towns. and to England. Later they n‘lfl\Cd um. llltng in Edmonton in I907. A successful author. she wrote “June) ('anuelt in t,- West“ and other books and articles, A pioneer "tllrIlSI. she ‘fought durineg and hltlhbtirnh for .men's Rights. I In I926 she became the ï¬rst woman Ptiltu.‘ Mugw ie in the British Empire and Judge of the .-\|hert.i ,xunile Court. She was the ï¬rst President of the l'Ckl‘ tied Women‘s Institutes of Canada I9|9-2| Slit; led movement for recognition in I929 ol‘ “tiI'I‘IL‘n th \t’ins eligible for appointment to the Senate, Her character was warm. happy. determined and -inp;,issionate. "Janey Canuck“ was an outstanding wen. a great person. “BERT MILLS W.I.. PRINCE EDWARD DIS- tICT~took their annual bus trip to Kitchener. It ‘.I and a special tour through Mennonite L'ULIIIlI'}. The group went to a Mennonite church. \.t\\ .i tilni their way of life and then toured the coiiniri \IdC. mg farms. the market and the Kissing Bridge at .xl Montrosc. tRWOOD W.I.1 NORTI-IUMBERLANI) WI-ZH'I' WI‘RICT have two 4-H Homemaking (‘ltih meni- M‘ho received Provincial Honour». Trtidt t'herntii. J Ursula Haworth, Seaforth W i, Huron South District, celeb/ate 50m L-I Presrdent. Viola Lawson and Thelma Dale. only charter members who have: been active tor 50 years. and Helen MacKanzie who was responSiblo tor the W l history Members of the SEAFORI'II WI HURON SOUTH [)IS'I'RK’I. t'clchmiul the ‘Uth .IlIlII\L'|'\.||‘by including liiriiit'r II‘IL‘IIIth'IN, l)l\lllt'l I'llk‘\[\ .itttl |.\\' H), PIL‘HdL‘fll. Mr» Harrow l)ltllllilllll. \pt‘nltt'r. It \\.I\ ti ILiiiiil_\ allliir uitli the l‘lll\l‘i.IIlLl\ .iiid miix .it tending. l'hL' hirthdiit [1th Mix L'lll. hi. I'i't'xitlt‘iiL \Ih \ iii|.i Iiiumii and the tir~t Vlt’C-PIL‘NItlt‘III or *‘iti \t'.l|\ ,ii-n. \In l'\.t Motlirtiiet er Riilh I'.ipplt-. l niitluii \lL'.t VlL‘C‘l’FL‘HIllL‘IIL t’lIJII'L'tl the Silllll'tl.†cwttiiii- tclt'hii lion. Ultl plinim tniilt the .tlltllL'llL‘L’ luck lliruiit-Ii llIL' tutu tiltilt' .\lr\ llClL'lI Mntkt‘ii/IL’ rt'iiiiiiixtt-tl .ilmiit WI. .ICIIV'tlICN and l‘rl‘IL'Ll.‘ ~l.itiiip ih.i1 the \V | h.i~ lobbied locally [or t‘\Cf\llllIlt.‘ liniii piihlit rcxlinuim in hiin qltnlll) lI'lti\It' Williamsburg W i, Dundas DISIHCI sponsored a owl! snow in the Williams- burg schoolhouse One or the quilts on display IS shown by L-l back rowvHilda Whittaker and Jean Cnsseimen. from rowâ€"Rum Hogaboam and Alma Stra» do!