HOME &C0untry Published by the Ontario Ministry 01 Agriculture and Food In Toronto. Ont. in the Interests of The Federated Women's Institutes oi Ontario and Home Economics Branch EDITOR Mrs. Margaret Zoeller Home Economics Branch Ontario Ministry oi Agriculture and Food Legislative Buildings. Queen's Park Toronto M7A 185 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Miss Molly McGhee. Mrs. Clarence Diamond Printing and Art â€" Miss Margaret Roberts Vol. 45 Winter 1979 No.1 Cover Photo To mark the 50th Anniversary 0! the Rideout Women's institute Kenora District, a flowering crab tree was pianâ€" ted on the lawn or the Kenora Public Library. Wielding the shovel is Mrs. C. Jardine. a life member. Other memâ€" bers. L-R Mrs. J. Staikowski. Past President; Mrs. A. Green, Secretary-Treasurer; Mrs. A. Lacombe, Mrs. S. Miller, Mrs. N. Scott, President; Mrs, A. Stevenson. Nancy Forbes, and Joy Peterson, both Library Board members. Home Economics Branch. Ontario Ministry 01 Provincial Ottice Agriculture and Food. F.W.l. Ontario Legislative Buildings. 1200 Bay Street Queen’s Park, Fifth Floor. Toronto MTA 135 Toronto, Ontario MSR 2A6 Ontario K1 P 5K6 MEMBERS OF PROVINCIAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1979 HONORARY PRESIDENT Miss Molly MoGhee. Director, Home Economics Branch. Legislative Buildings. Queen's Park. Toronto M7A 135 PAST PRESIDENT Mrs. Herb Maluske, Box 74, Chastey NUG 1L0 PRESIDENT Mrs Clarence Diamond. Box 811, 493 Fairview. New Hamburg NOB 26 REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENTS Mrs Geo Cuttings. R.R.7, Napanee, KTR 3L2 Mrs. Geo. Barr, 26 Lorne Ave. Chatharn. NTM 1R5 Mrs John H. Forrest. RR 6, Thunder Bay. P7C 5N5 BOARD DIRECTORS Mrs John Schultz. Box 311. lngleside. K00 1M0 Mrs. L. E. Drayton. Box 95. R.R.4. Ottawa, KlG 3N2 Mrs. H. Collins. FIRE, Rentrew, K7V 3L2 Mrs. Geo. Colirngs. Fl R7, Napanee. K7R 3L2 Mrs Warren Hill. Box 122, Madoc, KOK 2K0 Mrs R W. Payne. Warsaw. KOL 3A0 Mrs C. W. Adams. Box 291. Bubcaygeon. KUM 1A0 Mrs. Wm. G. Miller, 5297 Lawrence Ave. E. Highland Creek, M10 1: Mrs. Maurice Jones. Glencairn. LDM 1K0 Mrs Robert B Weber, Box 95, Bloomingdale, NOB 1K0 Mrs. Stewart Anderson, R.R.2. Tavistock, NOB and Mrs. L. A. Jetfarson. R.R.2. Guelph. N‘iH EH8 Mrs. Donald Harvie, R,R.2. Orillia. LEV 6H2 Mrs. Gordon Mallion. Tottenham. LOG 1W0 Mrs. Kenneth Spence, Leith, NOH 1V0 Mrs. Richard Fenton. R.R.1. Port Elgin, NOH 200 Mrs. Wm. Middleton, Box 569, Chesley. NUG 1L0 Mrs. Elizabeth Whalay. R.R.I, Binbrook, LDR 160 Mrs. George Bukator, 3554 Rapids View Drive. Niagara Falls. LEG Eur Mrs. T. R. Randall. 60 Dundas St. E.. Paris. NSL 3H5 Mrs. Verne Towers. FLRA, Glenooe. NOL 1M0 Mrs. Owen Hawkins, R R1, Brownsville, NOL 100 Mrs. Wm. Porter, R.R.2. Goderich. N7A 3X3 Mrs. George Barr. 26 Lorne Ave, Chatham, N7M 1R5 Mrs. George Fleming. R.R.2, Wyoming, NON 1T0 Mrs. Ethel Liddard, Box 2211, Bracebridge, POB 100 Mrs. W. D. Wall, Box 190, Manawa, PDH 1V0 Mrs. James Schubert. Box 575. New Liskeard. PDJ 130 Mrs. Nelda Cranston. R.R.1. Spring Bay. PnF ZED Mrs. Art Brodie, R.R.4. Echo Bay, POS 100 Mrs. John H. Forrest. R.R.E. Thunder Bay F. P70 5N5 Mrs. R. I. Skane. Box 53. Oxdrift, POV 2J0 JUNIOR DIRECTORS Mrs. Douglas Tottenharn. Ft.Ft.6, Owen Sound, NdK 5N8 Mrs. Kenneth McCurdy, FLFL2. Stirling. KOK 3E0 SECRETARV Mrs. Jeanetta Sager. R.R.1, Troy, LOR EBB TREASURER Mrs. CIittord Ritchie, FI.FI.3, Parkhlll, NOM 2K0 PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER Mrs. John Brown, Box 59, Washago, LDK EEO OFFICERS‘ CONFERENCE SECRETARY-TREASURER Mrs. Russell Campbell, R.R.1. Iona Station. NOL 1P0 CUM‘I’OR PROVINCIAL TWEEDSMUIR HISTORIES Mrs. Fred Howe, R.R.5. Embro. NDJ 1J0 _ CONVENERS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Agriculture and Canadian Industriesâ€"Mrs. Donald Gaza, R.R.1, Lal- f'tald, KIJL 2H0 Citizenship and World Attalrsâ€"Mrs. Robert Moore. 26 Dora Driva. S coe. NSY 1X5 Education and Cultural Activitiesâ€"Mrs. Cecil Bell. R.R.2. Brnckv KEV 5T2 Family and Consumer Attalrsâ€"Mrs. Sari-i Koaiti, R.R.1, Fort Franc FHA 3M2 Resolutionsâ€"Mrs. Herb Maluska, Box 74. chesley, NOG 1L0 National Ottice F.W.l. Canada, International Ottlce A.C.W.w. Ofllce, Rm. 28, 46 Elgin Street, 50 Warwick Square. Ottawa, Victoria, London S.W.I.V.2.A.J. England