LONDON AREA WHEREAS Canadian Food Products are not neces- sarily marked as “Produced in Canada"~e.g. fresh meat. vegetables and fruit: and WHEREAS “Canada No. l" is often mistakenly taken as or to mean a Canadian Product; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women’s Institutes of Ontario request the On- tario and Canadian Government to devise a method to have Canadian products marked “Produced in Canada" at the consumer level, so that they may be readily and easily recognized as having been produced in Canada. WHEREAS Nitrates have not been used in the mark :ng of cheese in Canada and are not necessary because if the high quality of Canadian products; and WHEREAS Nitrates may now be used in Canadian lieese products: and VHEREAS under some conditions these chemicals nay turn into carcinogenic compounds; i‘HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- :Ied Women‘s Institutes of Ontario request and, if nec- sssary. pressure Canada’s Health Protection Branch i; take action to have this Order withdrawn so that Ni- rates will not be used in Canadian cheese. NORTHERN AREA "HEREAS at present a person with cancer cannot be reared with Essiac: - HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ted Women‘s Institutes of Ontario request the Federal separtment of Health and Welfare to urge the contin- uince of testing Essiac for its effectiveness in the treat- .iL‘l'It of cancer. HEREAS under present law a Spouse cannot re- :Ive the old age Security Pension at the age of sixty zthout a means test; and ‘ HEREAS since there is much public opinion that rder people should retire to make employment for ranger people; HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ted Women’s Institutes of Ontario request the On- irio Government to propose to the Federal Govern- Ient that they enact legislation to the effect that all wuses receive a pension at the age of sixty, subject to means test. and that it be continued after the death of re Old Age Pensioner. 'VHEREAS Planing Mills and Home-Builders Sup< llers advertise lumber for sale in sizes of 2 x 4. 2 x 6. nd 2 x 8. these sizes are for dressed or ï¬nished lumâ€" cr. Instead of obtaining these sizes. we receive inâ€" stead ofa 2 x 4. a W: x 3%, a 2 x 6 is now a IV: x 5%. and a 2 x 8 is W: x 71/1. and WHEREAS dressed lumber is advertised to be 2 x 4. 2 x 6. and 2 X 8. and this represents false advertising: and WHEREAS Hydro regulations require 4 in. of insula- tion in walls, With present dressed studs insulation will not ï¬t Hydro speciï¬cations. as it will be too tightly packed for air circulation. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario request the On- tario Government to enact legislation to have the build- ing code amended, and return to the sizes as advertised for dressed lumber. NORTH CENTRAL AREA WHEREAS the Government ofOntario charges Sales Tax on all articles whether they be new or used; and WHEREAS sometimes they are receiving tax revenue several times for the same article; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women's Institutes of Ontario ask the Govern- ment of Ontario to remove sales tax on all used arti- cles. WHEREAS for many reasons communities have been reluctant either to intervene in matters of child abuse or to deal directly with the problem itself: and WHEREAS cases of gross neglect and abuse have been brought to the courts and laws favouring the par- ents. resulting in the child being returned to them; and WHEREAS child abuse will be with us for as long as we refuse to rc-ordcr our social priorities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario ask the Federal Minister of Health and Welfare to (I) enforce the laws regarding children to insure more protection. (2) Pro- vide the necessary funding for more facilities and so- cial, legal and medical help for the study and pre- vention of child abuse. WHEREAS young children are consumers. but are in- capable of making value judgments necessary about products advertised to them on television; and WHEREAS the hours between 4.00 pm. and 8.00 pm. are considered family viewing hours on T_V_; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario ask the Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commis- sion to regulate closely the advertising on T.V. during fantin viewing hours so that young children are not un- duly influenced. INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP Mrs. L. A. Jefferson FWIO will send $2000.00 from the interest accu- nulated from the International Scholarship fund to he ACWW project committee for project # l to fur- ther assist children during the International Year of lite Child. The money will be used to provide children with nutritive food and compulsory immunization and eye- C'dl'e. combined with a drive to educate mothers in nu- trition and child care. HOSPITALITY REPORT Mrs. Geo Powell The highlight of the year was the visit of the mem- bers from the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. There is an increase in the number of requests from overseas visitors to visit with Ontario members. Many Ontario members entertained WI guests from other countries. Requests should be sent to Mrs. Powell who will con- tact FWIO members in areas where overseas guests might be visiting. l3