SECRETARY’S REPORT Mrs. Earl Morden Number ofbrancltes 1240 Number of members 28.734 \iumber of life members 3.072 In Mrs. Morden‘s ï¬nal report. she presented an grt'iew of her work. stating till reports and eorre~ .illdBnCL' is up to date. During the year. she attended i committee meetings and the Erlund Lee Home etings and activities. Assisted in reviewing appliâ€" mns for the newly divided ofï¬ce of secretary and .isurer for FWIO and was present .11 the applicants 'gn‘iews. \lrs. Morden acted as Chairman for the secrelur\'â€" :surers sessions at Ofï¬cers' Conference. .tlso, repre- ted FWIO 0n the Niagara Escarpment Commisâ€" n und Ontario Agricultural Hull of Fame, i- .. « OFFICERS IN THE FWIO OFFICERS‘ CONFERENCE Mrs. Russell Campbell Mrs. Campbell reported on the 30th Otï¬eers‘ Con- ference held in Waterloo in Mary l978. Five hundred and seventytive secretary-treasurers and members-ab large attended. A special thanks to Miss MeGhee. the Executire, Bloomingdale Wl. Mrs. Geo Reisl tll'ld members of the New Dundee Wl for all their eontri- buttons, 1979 OFFICERS' CONFERENCE May 1-2-3- University of Waterloo Waterloo - . . (1) Branch Tweedsrnuir History Curators or Branch members-at-large , (2) District Twoedsrnuir History Curators . i (3) Area Tweedsmuir History Curators "-vi Pooling Fee $75.00 Withholding Fee $10.0(Lupon canceilatiun . I. i I My appointed Treasurer Mrs. Clifford Ritchie; Mrs. Ear! Morden, retiring Secretary Treasurer; Mrs. Russell Camp- Officers' Conference Secretary Treasurer; Mrs. Jeanetta Sager, newly appointed Secretary. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HALL Mrs. L. E. Andrews Mrs. L, A. Jefferson. committee member read the vlgress report of the Women‘s Institute Hull ut the grieultural Museum. Milton. Although the Hilll is wt completed. it was opened the ï¬rst of July. Local v i. members staffed the Hall during the summer hmnths and are to be congratulated for doing) yeomun “nice. Over 750 visitors viewed the three murals on the walls depicting the story of WI. Displays on divi- ‘Jtrs and in showcases further complemented the murâ€" dh Plans are underway to have the Museum opened ‘L‘Vt'n days a week in 1979. RESIGNATION Mrs. Earl Morden has resigned her position as See- retun‘ Treasurer of FWIO. The ofï¬ce is to be divided and Mrs. Clitl‘ord Ritchie has been appointed Treas~ uter and Mrs. Jeanette Sager will assume the ofï¬ce of Secretary. Mrs. Morden has been appointed Secretary- Treustirer ol. the Erlitnd Lee Committee. A lovely pewter soup tureen was presented to Mrs. Morden tit the closing session (tithe Board meeting on behalf of. the FWIO Board in appreciation of her ï¬ne work during. her term as Secretary Treasurer, l l