Through the Women’s Committee. coloring books were distributed to school children in grade III in one county ‘0 h“P lnt'l‘eaise awareness of tractor safety. Under the Tractor Safety. ifthis symbol is attached to the vehicle. another $100 additional beneï¬t is added to the policy. Please Be Careful one unit aunuu A view of Niagara Falls. a shopping spree and on .nme to Columbus and vicinity completed a visit that Ill not soon be forgotten. Mrs. Iona Patterson expressed appreciation all long the way as well as Miss Jean Werts. Director of \omen's Activities. F.W.I.O. President. Mrs. Clarence lmmond and Secretary Treasurer. Mrs. Earl Morden .id an opportunity to meet the guests on various occa- wins. The idea originated at A.C.W.W. when Mrs. Herb laluske and Miss Werts set the wheels in motion for ins tour. From then on. Mrs. George Powell. F.W.I.O. lospitality Convener was in charge. Working throuin turd Directors and local branches. the tour was then tapped out. Signing autographs. comparing organizational lites. meeting new friends seemed to become a way of ie for a few days. It was a happy event and a good turning experience and as Mrs. Diamond said. "We he reached out and communicated through the ..C.W.W. The organization has formed a circle of lL’I‘ldShIPS. pr0vided projects. hopes and aims. and I\ assisted in broadening our life styles. Good cheer nd a warm welcome makes a warm heart." . i 1 Mrs. John Charlton, secretary or Adelaide Headless Homestead tells about the history of the house. WI’s On The Go SHEFFIELD WJ. WENTWORTH NORTH DIS- TRICTâ€"observed its 70th anniversary. Mrs. W. Losee of Stoney Creek and Mrs. Elgin Patrick. both Charter members. along with life members Mrs. Arthur Decker and Mrs. David Main. were present when 75 women gathered in old time costumes. complete with high buttoned shoes and umbrellas to renew friend- ships and review the work of the W.l. SEBRINGVILLE W.l.. PERTH SOUTH DIS- TRICTâ€"entertained neighboring branches at their 7Dth Anniversary. Mrs. Gerald Brickman. proprietor ofa country garden and greenhouse. spoke about and gave a demonstration on plants. How to mix proper soil, plant bulbs and seeds and slip plants. Mrs. Har- old Thiel. guest speaker. said "A successful Institute depends on each member." She interpreted the Mary Stewart Collect to give it special meaning to the mem~ burs. Old time recipes were handed in by members to be compiled into book l‘orm and sold. Mrs. Ronald Boyce presented Mrs. Erle Thornton with a er. cup and saucer in appreciation of her leadership as presi- dent during the last ï¬ve years. MOUNTAIN VIEW. PRINCE EDWARD COUNTYâ€"entertained NO guests during an alter- noon tea at the 701h anniversary. Mrs. Lily Morton. one of the ï¬rst members received a corsiige. The ï¬rst minutes were read from the founding Institute who really were responsible tor the formation of branches throughout the province. BLOOMFIELD W.l.. PRINCE EDWARD COUNTYâ€"marked their 70th anniversary with the theme. "Olden Days". Sing-songs. skits. readings and a parade of hats provided the evening entertainment for the 150 audience. HORNBY W.l.. HALTON DISTRICT 7 celebrated their 70 years with a smorgasbord luncheon Il't Georgetown. then returned to the home ol' their oldest member. Mrs. P W. Merry. lornier (iuelph Area l’rcs- idem. Mrs. Merry took everybody back in Unit: as she told about the old cral'ts. straw ticks. down comforters. burn ruisings and the olden times at the Milton li- brary. 60TH MALDEN WJ. ESSEX SOUTH DISTRICTâ€"Cele- brated a 60th with 89 members and guests. of that number 49 were descendents of the l9 founding mem- bers. Mrs. Gladys Braun was the only member whose mother was one of the I9. Those present enjoyed a skit as well as hearing about the various levels of WI From branch through to A.C.W.W. BETHANY W.l. DURHAM EAST DISTRICT par- ticipated in Art Festival Week For Victoria County. The WJ. contributes articles to the Festival. As \i ell as this community minded ell'ort. the members went on a bus trip to see around the Parliament Buildings in To- ronto. and to meet WIIII their local member. .luhn I-.a« kins. M.P.P, 25