WI’S On The G0 ; “a 1! Belwood Wl celebrate 50th anniversary by condurmg an eight week craft course for the community. Com :83 included. quilting. macrarne, stitchery, knitting, td-"flg and crocheting. Left are a group learning mamaâ€. . Mountain Union Wl. Haiton held "Open House" honour~ ing a member Laura 8. Dixon author ofa book ofpoerns “Open Gateways". Seated L-Ft author Mrs. Laura B. Dixon; Mrs, Clarence Shoemaker, President Wellington South District. Standing Mrs. W. Harbottie, Secty. Trees; Mrs. Wm. Ewan. former Director Home Econom- ics Branch, Mrs. Mary Campbell, Haiton District Presi- dent; Mrs. Velma Norris. President. Cumberland Wl Russell County, celebrate 49th Anniver- sary. Cutting anniversary cake, Mrs. Archie Edwards, left a Charter member; and Mrs. George Smith, one of the Branch organizers. ‘5 ‘f 70th Anniversary for Willoughby Wi, Welland E. District. . -â€"' Surrounding branch members came to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Bervie W! Bruce S. Districtâ€"Gurfing I event. L-R Miss Z. M. Miller, charter member; Mrs. Earl anniversary cake LaR Mrs. Glenn McConnell, Past Presr i Weaver and Mrs. Howard Plyley both lite members, have dent; Mrs. John Busheii, President; Mrs. Francis Gem' honour of cutting cake. mell Grey Bruce Area President. r, 26