BRUCE SOUTH DISTRICT WORKSHOP Mrs. Harvey Houston PFtO lor FWiO conducts workshops for members of Bruce South and Huron. Mrs, Hg was chairman lor the event. Above Branch PRO's, Standing L-H Mrs. Gordon Wall District Secretary- Treasurer and Mrs. Donald MoKinnon past District Sec« rotary-Treasurer fill out practice forms and answer questions for Secretarereesurers group. Crown Hill WI celebrate 65th Anniversary. L-R Mrs. Margaret Newson, PRO: only living charter member Mrs. Mamie McLean; Mrs. Helen Courts Mid- hurst President. admire anniversary cake. The members toured the District and then called at Mrs. Marjorie Clark's home to enjoy tea and cake honouring her Mother Mrs. McLean. 26 :4.‘ Curators gather for the daylong workshop condul by L-R Mrs. Victor Emerson and Mrs. Gladys An both standing. SPECIAL MEETING FOR SPECIAL PEOPI Bluewater Wl held a Public Relations meetiit charge of Mrs. E. G. Urstadt and Mrs. Wolf‘Hol‘m. Four well deserved presentations were made. graved sterling silver pins were presented to Mrs. ‘ Turner. a member for 31 years. Mrs. Keith Hilsdt 30 year member. Mrs. R. G. Barfoot. a member 1}- years and Mrs. Wm. Monahan a member for 31 )v Mrs. Monahan was also presented with a crystal c. flower vase for having held consecutive member: The presentation was made by the President Mrs. : Armstrong. The programme included a questionnaire on Handbook, and with the aid of graphs a talk on structure of the Women's Institute from Branch [0 ternational level was given. The history of the fou ing of the Women’s Institute including the 1mm x menl of Erland Lee and Adelaide Hoodless, as welt the origin of the Mary Stewart Collect were reviewc ,