80th Anniversary Committee Mrs. Herb Maluske and Mrs. Harvey Houston as well as L-Ft Mrs. Clarence Diamond. Mrs. Harvey Noblitt, Mrs. Orval Jordan, Mrs. R. C. Walker. Mrs. Earl Morden. President Mrs. Herb Maluske extended the thoughts of the themei“W.l. Shows How An Idea Grows“. Because of the growth of the W] Branches it became apparent there was a need to become a corporate body so in l9l9 FWIO was formed. Appreciation was extended to the Home Econom- ics Brunch for their assistance and generosity shown to Women‘s Institutes at all levels over the years. Many changes have taken place during the last forty years in the world but one of our most precious rewarding assets 15 the continuation of the Women‘s Instituteifor it we accomplishiwuhout it we have nothing. Area Vice President of ACWW Mrs, E. V. Fulton. Manitoba. on behall’of the International Organization praised the members of Ontario for their excellent support and assistance to women in developing coun- tries. By providing funds to further support the needs 01' women in the constituent so~ Cicties around the world, forward strides have been taken but there is still much to be accomplished. “*1 ’t Mrs. E] v. Fulton 16 President Mrs. Maluske and speaker Mrs. Hacketâ€"F‘a pose with special guest centre Dr. Margaret McCreai former Dean of Macdonald institute. University Guelph. Enjoying a look at Mrs. Archie Armour's display in (la foyer of Bingeman's. Miss Margaret Myer. Supervisor i Foods and Nutrition. Home Econormt Branch centre poses with Mrs. Jen Gingerich, Haysville Branch, respm sible for designing and making 80th a! niverSary cake. left: Mrs. Victor Beachi: hostess Erland Lee Home.