B Elmhurst WI Four original charter members were present lor the 50th anniversary dinner Lâ€"r seated Mrs. Adam Leinweber. Mrs Ella Fliehl. Mrs Arthur Newell. Back row Lâ€"r Mrs Mary Cressman. Prestdenl and Mrs Wm Sebben O'Rellly's Bridge enjoy 50th Anniversary 1'00 mem» bers and guests were present at 3 Tee which included display of Tweedsmurr History. first minute book and antiques Lâ€"r Mrs Edith Disher. Presnjenl. Mrs May rown. Secretary .av 1! " .1 Willow Grove Wl invited spear-ail guests to 50th Anni- versary luncheon Lite memberships were presented to Mrs Bessm Keefer and Mrs. Ralph Lang Special Dis- trict guests. Mrs Fred Matthews Board Dream and Prestdents lrom neighbouring institutes were present as well as three charter members. Mrs. Katie Doyle. Miss Besste Keefer. and Mrs Jessre Sheppard. Cutting anni- versary cake Lâ€"r Presrdent Mrs Wybum Farrell and Secretary Mrs James Murray 30 7-3.. Ira" Saltlleel Wl celebrate 50th Anniversary With 83 r ent. Assrsting in the cake cutting ceremony were partially hidden Miss Lottie Jones. charter men Mrs. Aretha Turk, Past President; Mrs Thelma Fe Mrs Bertha Oswald, President; Mrs. Margaret J and Mrs Dora Thomas both charter members ASHCROVE W.I. Ashgrtwe Women's Institute CClEbl’uECd its Sllll niverxury recently by having :1 festive lunchcu Hillcrcst United Church. Hornby. The women rt" memories through skits and SUngS and httd l Beulnn. author of ;1 book on “The Changing Rul Women" as guest speaker. Nine of their ï¬rst year members 01'1926 were; tint. Even the ï¬rst president Mrs. C. B. Dick ant ï¬rst Secretary Mrs. Clayton Wilson were an i Both women are still active in the group as IS the president Mrs. A. J. Ruddcll. Ninctcun women attended the ï¬rst meeting m and by the end ol‘ the year 3| names were un tht tudu} the membership remains around St.) mcml Lil}: membership budge.» and certiï¬cates hmc presented from time to time. OI‘ the IS lit}: mem‘ ID are still livmg. Ashgrove WI Presidents. Lâ€"r front row Mrs L Harbottle. Mrs. W. Stringer. Mrs. J. MCNabb. Mrs 1. Dick. Mrs. A, J. Fludclell. Mrs. F. Thompson. Back Mrs. J. Bird. Mrs. C. Hunter, Mrs. W, Bird. Mrs. F. M. Mrs. J. Carney. Mrs. J. Ruddell. Mrs. L Glftin. Ml: Bird. Mrs. F. Huddell and Mrs M. Bird. ..__i.i"