ACWW WHAT IS THE ASSOCIATED COUNTRY WONEEN OF THE WORLD? An S'r’zâ€"million member team ofwomen on 5 conti~ nents in 74 countries who have joined together to: 0 get to know each other I help each other I work with each other 0 promote international goodwill, friendships. under- standing between the country women and home- makers of the world 0 raise the standard of living of rural women all over the world 0 be a forum for country women on international af- fairs. OFFICERS A president, 2 deputy presidents. 7 Area Vice-Pres- idents representing E, W. and Central Africa; South Africa: Asia: Canada (Mrs. E. V. Fulton. Manitoba); Europe: S. Paciï¬c and the USA. Honourary Treasurer: Honourary Secretary. All ofï¬cers are elected at the Conference for a three year period and are eligible for re-election for a second term. except the honourary treasurer whose term is not limited. STRUCTURE OF ACWW HOW IT ALL BEGAN Unlike most organizations, ACWW did not have a deï¬nite beginning, but rather it evolved from the sire of country women all over the world to c closer together in friendship, to pool their knowl _.. and to work towards a better world. In 1927 a res 1,. tion was passed by the International Council 4‘ Women “that a committee be formed to consider lg conditions under which women‘s rural organizar it worked." Three years later in 1930 a further step taken, a Liaison Committee of Rural Women's i Homemaker’ organizations was formed at the Con ‘ of Women Conference in Vienna, and the mam. was unfurled for a new organizationâ€"ACWW 1933 in Stockholm. Sweden the ACWW was for. with Mrs. Alfred Watt, President and officers Cle- as well as a constitution drawn up. tie. THE COUNCIL on which each Constituent Society is represer meets annually in London between Conferences GENERAL PURPOSE COMMITTEE meets at least 3 timï¬ a year and is composed oft cers. Chairmen of standing committees and do representatives; elected at post Conference COl‘ Meeting. THE CENTRAL OFFICE is in London. England and is where the paid staff workâ€"the General Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Edi- tor of The Countrywoman and any other ofï¬ce help, PROJECTS LADY ABERDEEN SCHOLARSHIP Sponsors training in nutrition. child care. handi- crafts. basic home economics. literacy. citizenship and conservation of human and natural resources. Assists in pilot projectsâ€"leadership training schemes and basic training courses organized by mem- ber societies. Makes awards of individual scholarships. some jointly sponsored by member societies. AD HOC PROJECT FUND Helps in providing items of equipment and other small needs. ELSIE ZIMMERN MEMORIAL FUND Offers a scholarship in each triennial for the train- ing of a leader and potential organizer of societies. 16 needed to carry on the day to day work. STANDING COMMITTEES which meet at least 3 times a year. These include nance. Triennial Conference. Extension and Mar Services. Publicity and Publications and United I tions. TRUSTEE COMMITTEES which meet at least 3 times a year and include L12 Aberdeen, Elsie Zimmern and Nutrition Education NUTRITION EDUCATION] SAVE SIGHT ' Designed to combat deï¬ciencies through malnult momâ€"such as loss of sight in small children due to 1a of Vitamin A. Supported by member societies.