jtbtratcb Maxim's Bastimtrs of @ntano valn Skjr. Strut Enler "5'4 35%. mm». 31W“, ID. 157' Emmy-n: "In"!!- 1mg. 7_ s u I. {Minna v: aren‘\ inzzH ' - , E’vvr ',Â¥r,(‘:n ‘ 4 age .I Llrunq Jpn-4‘ (or n-(u L» 't'bar: In Fury-m can.) wouu a! rtznncvhalwn we , l "C Lur'llu-u: la Mel) My; and we. nu Ir. H, m.- 3-,†pm honour loreâ€"11m, may. lum “Jr-4.x yum-H1 m E'r', Hn-rlwrt ‘1»|\A‘.zr. my.†“Mama AT \‘v'l ~16â€thth i \muld like In uxprcss m} hcunl'cll uppruculllun th' scholarship that hm hccn Lwlglhlixhcd In rm im- h_\ the Wumcn‘x ITIhlilLllL‘\ «If ()nlurlu [1 xx u wnndcrl‘ul [rihulc Io nu: um] .1Iw In [he wins [.mnomish uhn wnh In mnlinuu gradualc “11m 1n Exlcmum ELluculiun, In Addition it rcini‘urcux m} faith in )uur aux-ply ‘.Lc.1ntcrcslund support nl' [hr Humu [Zn-nuqu c\- Nun prngrummc lhc ()nlurm Mlnixlr) nl‘ Ngan ‘ru and Fund has been Kpnnwnng fur man) )an lhc quill Is :1 rcul lrcumrc. .h \wll m .m utll~ uruilng cumplc ul'lhc hngh qlldlll} ul‘ \mrk LIUHL' II) . “mm-n3 ln\li1l|lC\. ll h.l\ hccn a run] prnllugc In he )uur hunnmn amulcnl and I‘m «um I Imu- gduwd muL’h ner' llmn 'LHL‘ EI‘L’H, I‘lmw dun-pl my sinccrc lhnnkx. lxhilll .ll\\1l_\\ lwc indebted 10 )ml [hr mumhch .IHLI Mcrx l'nr hulping In prmldc mu mlh :1 HT} ml) and ,‘..lldlߤ m‘rk upcricncu Rum: rclircmcnl. l hun- ‘nccn nvcruhclmml ulth w ‘lm Imul} Icllcrs and gum! ulxhcx. l mu uni} MI} .1 H \mnn “lhunk um." \I} hol u M16 ‘11: “111‘ [hr L’Unllllllcd mac“, Sincerely, (27 Z? 96 got Buckingham Palace I a: CDCâ€.ch to cunvey to flu 521.1 to all Lhasa an Incsu behalf yuu tram Tna Qucan's In: Uman Mr wur Mm: :esugc an we occasion 0! Her h1c5l)’s Silver Jubilee. Yaurs. unvcrely. MK ' MaICla McClelland of Algama Drsmc! racetved the Florence P Eadre Scholarship In 19?6 Mama a memr bar of H19 Desbarats 4-H Homemaking Club. rs presently attending Umversdy 0! Western Ontario lakmg Bust- ness Adnumsrranon She has been axlmmefy aclrve m 4-H. havmg taken 14 projects and has also parllcrpamd m Leadership Camp and Grrls Conference 1‘)