TRIBUTE QUILT The Double Wedding Ring Quilt. originally pieced and quilted by the Elora Branch. Guelph Area for the FWIC competition last June was purchased by FWlO. The Quilt won ï¬rst prize in the FWIO competition and was runnerup at the FWlC level. halfa point he hind the prize winning Pittsburgh W1 entry from Kingston Area. Mrs. Myrtle Reid. Board Director from Subdivi» sion 12 in whose Subdivision Elora branch is located. had the honour of presenting this magniï¬cent handr work to Miss McKercher. An autograph book was passed around and all wrote a verse ora final thanks for all the assistance over the last many years. The book was presented to Miss McKercher by Mrs. Phillip Boyko, Board Director repreâ€" senting Subdivision 31. FUN TIME A skit depicting the negative side at a meeting was enacted by Board Directors and Conveners. The skit. written by Past President Mrs. H. Nobiiti. was about the Lonely Valley Area Convention meeting. Those taking part were Mrs. Harold Blasing, Mrs. Jack Spariing, Mrs. Graham Chambers, Mrs. Geo. Powell, Mrs. Peggy Ham» Del, Mrs. Chas. Fetteriey, Mrs. Keith Hiepieh. Mrs. Orval Jordan. Mrs. Alien Darling. Mrs. Gordon Sherwin, Mrs. D. H. Davidson The presentation at a "Tribute Book", something tangible. to accompany the announcement that done- !lth of $10,000.00 had been invested, and a 31.000.00 Helen M. McKercher Scholarship would be available in 1977. The book contained excerpts irorn letters accom- panying donations from individuals. Branches, Districts and Areas. 0! course there was not room for all the trib- utes. so a “cross section " was compiled as e memento. The book was compiled by Mrs. Maluske and Mrs Mor- den, presentation made by Mrs. Morden. Mrs. Herb Multiskc presented Miss McKerclicr with a scroll and announced that .i scholarship was to he named in hcr honour. "in recognition of your contribution and devoted service to the members 0! the Women 's institutes o! On. tario The Helen M. McKercher Schoiarship has been named in your honour. December the Iirst 1976 " MISS MCKERCHER Al’tcr itll thc lt‘ihtllcs lltlLl hccn piiid and lhc prcsciv lotions complclcd. Miss McKcrchcr thunkcd it“ for their kindness and honours. Shc \lllLl. “I looked tll the quilt with grcut interest during thc competition but never thought ol'cvcr owning it, I Will chcrish lill» pill. which will always remind me of the Women‘s Insti» tute." The Scholarship "mctins ll grciit deal to mc" but iilso mcuns much to the Home lacoiiomists and to I‘x- tcnsion Education. llic timc hits conic when ll 1‘ cvcii more important to encourage girls to do graduate work. It is ll struggle to keep standards high ill'lLl we must continue to encourage women to tiikc otlicc which pro- vidcs an opportunity I'or leadership. “IL' Honic [2coâ€" nomics Brunch through the Home l1conomists contiii» tliilly try to assist ll'tc mcmhcrs til lhc WI. “you're in It long enough iind curt scc pcoplc grow. it is Ll grciit sitt- islaction. Miss McKcrchcr continucd to siiv how much she htlS enjoyed working “Illl thc I'Dcmhcrs. hiiwcvcr nulli- ing is accomplished alone. It takes the \pcciulists pru- ducini:i thc manuals. the Home Economists working Wllh 4-H and the women providing the lenders to make a successful programme. “I WI†miss the work and the people. however I am happy to leave, I do not nccd anything to rcmcmhcr you by but this evening is much appreciated " l7