WHEREAS under the present law, if a personpasses a school bus while the bus is stopped and the lights are flashing, the school bus driver has to identlfy the veâ€" hicle‘s driver to lay the charge; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women's Institutes of Ontario request the On- tario Government to enact legislation to the efl'ect that the school bus driver can take the license number without identiï¬cation. leaving the onus on the owner of the vehicle to name the driver. WHEREAS under present laws cash or personal cheques are required for the purchase of groceries. which enables a person to buy according to income and need; and WHEREAS the use of credit cards will boost inflation with food at to-day's prices. and put people further into debt. as they tend to buy more than they need; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women’s Institutes of Ontario request the Gov- ernment of Ontario to enact legislation to prohibit the use of credit cards in grocery stores. WHEREAS the hunting ofdeer with dogs is a vicious, unsportsmanlike practice; and WHEREAS Ontario is the last remaining province that practices this inhumane method in hunting; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women's Institutes of Ontario ask the Provincial Government of Ontario to pass legislation to prohibit the use of dogs in deer hunting. WHEREAS trappers of fur bearing animals employ the use of leg traps in catching animals; and WHEREAS this is a cruel. inhumane method; and WHEREAS there is a substitute for these leg traps in instant killing traps; and WHEREAS we do not think that this matter is being given relative consideration by the Wildlife Branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario ask the Provincial Government of Ontario to pass legislation to prohibit the use of these leg traps. WHEREAS choice farm land is being taken out of ag- ricultural use in a much needed food producing agri- cultural area. for Sanitary Land Fill sites; and WHEREAS suoh sites are established in the midst of attractive rural communities. and produce a negative reaction in the valuation of these farm properties; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women's Institutes of Ontario request the Min- istry of the Environment to guide the establishment of such non-productive sites as Sanitary Land Fill sites to areas not detrimental to. or in the midst of. choice Farming Communities. WHEREAS cases of rape are increasing and only a small percentage of all cases are reported; and WHEREAS victims of rape are tortured and humili- ated needlessly on the witness stand; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Feder- ated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario request the Min- ister of Justice for Ontario to enact procedure (such as clinics in Ottawa. Toronto. Winnipeg) that will give victims the protection of private hearings. devoid of humiliation and without discrimination. 8 WHEREAS the use of aerosol cans using pressurized freons and other such carriers, is proliferating; and WHEREAS many consumers are still unaware of the dangers of such aerosol sprays in spite of media efl'orts at publicizing the hazards; and WHEREAS recent research indicates numerous health and safety hazards to the human body inherenl in such aerosol sprays; and WHEREAS such aerosol sprays are a safety hazard in the home; and WHEREAS recent research indicates such spray; can cause corrosion to furnaces and heating pipes; and WHEREAS recent research indicates that such aerosol sprays are potentially dangerous to the ozone lat .vr of the atmosphere and could materially alter the e:{.r....g ecological balance on earth; and WHEREAS the colourful cans and funny noisc lye attractive to a child‘s curiosity; and WHEREAS a comparison of the cost of a prodtw. In an aerosol spray container with the same prodr. . in another type of container reveals that aerosol st its are an uneconomic method of obtaining a prod-g ,' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the F ‘r. ated Women's Institutes of Ontario request the dâ€" eral Department of Consumer and Corporate A its to prohibit the manufacture or importation of h aerosol sprays using pressurized freon or other h carriers, for any and all consumer products. WHEREAS the number of reported cases of V. is increasing in Ontario at an alarming rate. espet lit during the last two or three years; and WHEREAS Ontario is one of the few so-called “t e provinces†with no pro-marital blood test req- ments; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the F: ated Women’s Institutes of Ontario ask the Provi. Government to make blood tests a requirement be L‘ a marriage licence may be issued. WHEREAS at the present time on Highway 577. t[ exists a Bailey Bridge, put in as a temporary mea several years ago. and offset to the existing built '7 roadway. we feel this is a hazard to the transportr' i of our school pupils and others; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Fe- ated Women’s Institutes of Ontario request the i t tario Government, to replace this bridge with om i the existing roadway. before there is a fatal acett i involving our children. r, r. WHEREAS under present laws a criminal is brot, before the courts. and. because of the Bail Reform . is released on bail. and allowed to move freely in ciety. the result being that many of those arrested people on bail; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Fed ated Women’s Institutes of Ontario request the FL eral Government to enact legislation to refuse t granting of bail on the second and any subsequenl ‘ fence. WHEREAS the National Capital Commission wal w the Experimental Farm for a. Federal Housing De“ ' opment; and