Rocky Ridge WI organized 25 years ago. Mrs. Arthur McNeer. former FWtO Board Direc- ;~t and ï¬rst President of Rocky Ridgg WI was Pm ..:ited with a corsage. Mrs. John Henry. ï¬rst Secretary :t-id the minutes of the ï¬rst meeting organized by 'ttn C. A, Campbell of Pakenham. ' The President. Mrs. Fred Toop. welcomed the DIS» ct President. Mrs. Mervyn Giles. and all present. in~ Hiding former members. All Charter and ï¬rst year members were Presemed .iii a certiï¬cate wrapped as a scroll. Mrs. Toop com- ..nded the group for their work in the Community .tt expressed special appreciation to all who had "ed as leaders. : flry Ridge Wt celebrate Anniversary. Osgoode W.t. members enact "Little Red Hen“ 1976 “TStOI't at Osgoode annual Winter Carnival. L â€" r rose â€" Mrs. V. Laney; Pig â€" Mrs. D. Partridge: Hen â€" it's M, Saltans; Duck â€" Mrs. L. Ctetand; Cow â€" Mrs. S, .in-ver. Papier macho masks made by Senior Citizens WINGER-WMNFLEET WI â€" have as guest weaker District President. Mrs. Harry Rhoru. She it we as her topic “What makes the Women‘s Institute t'clerant.“ She urged all members to use their own Hilcnts. all have something to contribute in their own i‘iccial way. The roll call â€" “name a modern problem that itould be a WI concern." The members were divided into groups to discuss the problems i.e. Sunday sports Hot to commence until 1:00 p.m.. the drinking age be :med [0 2|. BURFORD W] â€" Roll Call. Should women enter politics and why? Motto. World affairs are our ufl‘airs. Ihc consensus was that women should be involved Mll‘l politics. Also the members were urged to ï¬ll out the ballot from the local paper regarding Regional hm ernrnertt. Stratford Queen at the Fair. Miss Karen Dawson. sponsored by the Hillcrest Women's institute credit Beacon Hera/d, Strattord HILLCREST WI â€" sponsored Queen of thc F‘dll' contestant Karen l).iu\on. Iaightccn-yciir-old Karen IN in Grade 13 at Struttord (‘cntrtil Secondary School. Each of the seven contest-tints were required to set up :1 display of their own choice. give a short speech and he inlen’iewed by :1 panel Olljudgcs. Miss Dtl\\\lltl chose "Our Fair" for her speech and sci up it display on thc "Sheep Industry in Ontario". As \t'inncr. Karen reigned its ()iiecn during the Stratiord Fair. ROYAL WI â€" present piano to Holody Home 7 :i new budding for mentally retarded yoth where they could be trained to earn it Ii\ ing t‘or thenisclt cs all thi: Arc Industries nearby. CAMDEN EAST WI Education .iiid ('ttltiiml Actii‘iticx. Roll (kill 7 Where and hoti does your child hcst acqutrc .i phllilxiiph} tor living Motto Spend time with your child mm; II I\ \thut the) Will rc- member Itttcr (itlcsl Speaker 7 Iopic "Rowing Kidx" 7 Chairman of ('ontiniiing I;dtic;ition. St. Lawrence College. Kingston DELTA WI \pCL‘tuI public I'L‘ItIIItIrI's priijuL'l I's [he urgtintllng nl'ii mumth bus trip l'nr lllL'dI rcsldcntx to Brockville for shopping. Later this year thc Branch will celebrate their both anniversary. UDNEY WI celebrate their 451h anniversary tit ti \pecial dinner Willi guests from Atherlcy W.l. and Simcoc East District. RIDEAU WI 7 Annual l'uniily nlEhl which in- cltidcd community. members. Council. 4-H. was ail- tendcd by lSO guest». to Lu