Canadian Grocery Product Code [1" coming as surel} as the sun will rise l0mnrr0\\_ [)ld \ou write a letter? i if you don't care. or 4mm concerned â€" then that‘s the \\;l_\ m 30, Apdrm M.†£51 ‘mu nowhere. So don‘t complain in it couple at M: “hen the system 15 introduced. \t‘e'vc .‘lll seen the small rectangle [lhtl lx (tic \\t'tl~ i ..t' the Canadian Grocer} Product ('udc. itx \‘critutl g at diï¬â€˜c‘rcnt widths Llnd u [0 dtgtt identtttcuttun mhcr ml] record the product. hrund size tlnd C\L‘[l titer information 11 supermarket might \\ i\h tn [.lhlt» (“mph-[e price information “'lll .lppL‘dr un thc ,lt but not on each indtvtduul llCn1,(‘tIn,\t|111L'l’.\ cun- tgurr) the price nl‘cuch purchase 111 thll’ head. lt‘r u hrnc >uch gm‘td memories, there has been :1 pritute nicmbcrx' Bill (‘Ntt m, tlleCd by Max Sultsmun. MP \‘v'titcrluu-Citttihrtdgr. tl]JanLl1Tl€l'lll.Ol.l'lC Packaging and Lahulltng, ct prupmul W “No retailer \l‘lLlll w†.l product h l, Itl\-‘L‘r.\ul Pruduct (‘ttdc prit'tng \_\\[L‘nl Llltlibx thi- tc .ilm uppeurx on that product in .l v.1} that h lgg. ‘7 ind meaningful to the public.“ Hm mumber ut'pztrliument ts nothing on huhull' ttl' , tunx‘unier. but the consumer must do mint-thing l'hc Minister of the Dcpztrtmcntnt‘(1tnxtttttcr.ittd tpnrtttc AlTuirs. the Hon. Andre Ottcllct \t.ttcd he Mild paw legislation to protect the consumer w the} mt “hat the price will be hclbrc the). get tn the .ikuut umntcr. Itut hch i5 the crunch! ML Oucllct t‘urtht-r \lulul t ll unless he rcccivc~ tl good deal more mttlcnuc [ll \pnrt lllL‘ Claim that the system is LlClrlmL'llltll I“ the punter" it is doubtlcm thut tin} itctmn utll hr lill‘Cn Iltttl direction." litou want the pricc on such ttum‘ it'x up in )ttll, mnxumer, to milk: your \\'I~.l1L‘\ knimn, Honeydate WJ. celebrated International Day by en’ ‘en‘atning neighbouring Branches A programme rete- .'ant to the theme was presented by the ViStht’S, mciud- '"9 Songs of other lands. A tine dispiay of Items from other countries was enjoyed with members "shomng and telling" about the articles. Foods of ethnic origin were served for lunch RIVER VALLEY “'1 h.t\c it member, \In .\l;trinn Rtthrdwn. \thn um [l]\‘\L'l‘ "I Inn: lutrmcn Queen", Shu hm .l Ill.ll'\L‘llt'll\ phtltiwpltt The more rcxpumthiltt} \w tithe. “u Jrc prnnc'tu urrnrx. l1]|$[.llu‘\. but \\tlllt‘Lll \‘UT ctl'uth how can “u m titr- u‘ttrd'.‘ h Mrs Marion RiChBidSU/t represents. the St LiHVIBI'H'l' and Ottawa Valley Frying Farmers First Advance Honour: Carole Esdafe. left the ltrst 4H Hometm’tkrng Club member to receive Advanced Honour; m Sturntont County Home Economist Mary Michel; makes pram-m» tatton ot stfver pie server and nerttlmte MISS Esrtat‘e re- newed her Prowrtcrai Hurtoms m 1966. then HHIUIBU the University of Guetph H1 Farnriy dill’l Crirtsumer Studies and now teaches in Cornwall 27