The Annual Meeting of the Federated Women‘s nstitutes of Ontario met at the King Edward Hotel. oronto, January 13-17. 1975. Mrs, Harvey Noblitt presided during the sessions. The Annual Meeting was demyed because the ACWW Conference was held in Perth. Australia in October. thus delaying Area Con- ventions. making it necessary to carry the annual meeting into the new year. This was the year of change. a newly elected presi- dent. Mrs. Herbert K. Maluske. a newly appointed secretary treasurer. Mrs. Earl Morden. sixteen new Board Directors and four new conveners. Mrs. Percy Findlay. Alternate Board Director. attended the meet- ing representing Subdivision 1. PRESIDENT‘S REPORT Mrs. Noblitt stressed FWIO is being asked to get involved in more and more issues and with other orâ€" ganizations and government. We do want to keep abreast of current issues and to help in whatever way we can to improve our communities. whether they be the local. provincial. national or international. How ever we must be careful to establish priorities and con- tain our priorities within the framework and objectives of FWIO and within manageable proportions. Mrs. Noblitt complimented the Area Executives for their ï¬ne Conventions and was pleased to see ï¬ne exhibits of crafts. good displays by PRO‘S and Con- veners. A special “thank-you" was extended to all who as- sisted during her term of ofï¬ce. OFFICERS†CONFERENCE Mrs. Robt. B. Weber. Conference Secretary Treas~ urer. reported on last year‘s Conference held at the University of Waterloo. It included a bus trip into Mennonite Country of Waterloo County; the Operetta Pirates of Penzance by Waterloo Oxford District Sec- ondary School Glee Club: Dr. T. Hadwen speaking on Stress in Rural Ontario. However most important were the discussion groups and plenary sessions which involved 614 deleâ€" gates and 30 staff. 1975 OFFICERS' CONFERENCE â€" April 29-30. May I, University of Waterloo. POOLING FEE # $50.00 * no extra charges for cofl‘ee. shuttle buses or bus trip to Erland Lee Home. DISCUSSION GROUPS Branch level? Secretary Treasurers or Agriculture and Canadian ln« dustries Convener or Members at Large District level 7 Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries Convener AIea level â€" Agriculture and Canadian Industries Convener IMPORTANTâ€"This is Mrs. Weber’s last year as Secretary Treasurer of Oflicers’ Conference according to the Handbook and it is important that a Women‘s Annual Meeting Provincial Board Directors Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario Mrs. Harvey Houston. Public Relations Ofï¬cer Institute member work with her during this Confer- ence with the thought that she might be appointed next year. If any one is interested or knews of a ca- pable person write to FWIO ofï¬ce giving details. SECRETARY‘S REPORT Mrs. Wm. G. Miller FWIO Membership Number of Branches l,290 Number of Members 30.775 Number of Branch Life Members 2.736 All business and correspondence was dealt with appropriately. Committee meetings were attended with information and ï¬les available. The Toronto D0- minion Bank Investment Department advised on all investments and re-investments and all securities are in safekeeping at the TD. Bank. Hospitality requests were dealt with and W.I. vis- itors were made welcome. Greetings were extended at the Girls' Conference. the Junior Women‘s Institute Spring Board Meeting. She represented FWIO at the Royal Winter Fair an- nual meeting and was one of the voting delegates at the ACWW Conference in Perth. Mrs. Miller has completed her term of ofï¬ce and was appreciative of all the assistance given both by the Ministry and W,I. members. INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP Mrs. Noblitt had discussed with the Area Vice President for the South Paciï¬c. when attending the ACWW Conference. the possibility of assisting the South African Union of Homemakers for coloured women. The money would be used to assist a trainee to run courses. this woman would go out into the rural areas and teach appropriate courses. The recommendation was presented to the Board and was accepted to send $4000.00 to the Lady Aber- deen Scholarship Committee at the ACWW office. with the suggestion that if aid was a priority for the South African Union of Homemakers that ACWW make the necessary arrangements to send no more than $1000.00 to this group. A further recommendation that the remaining $1000.00 be used by the Lady Aberdeen Committee at their own discretion. ONTARIO STATUS OF WOMEN COUNCIL'S CONFERENCE ON FAMILY PROPERTY LAW Mrs. Shirley Bird In October. 1974. the Ontario Status of Women Council‘s Conference on Family Property Law was Sponsored by the Secretariat for Social Development of the Ontario Government. This Conference was called “Fair Share" as the Attorney General's Depart- ment asked the Ontario Status ofWomen Council how Ontario women felt about revisions proposed to be made in Property Law by the Ontario Law Reform Commission. Four hundred women were selected from all over 5