Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario Semi Annual Board Meeting University of Guelph â€" April 22-26, 1974 Thirty-two senior Board Directors and one Junior Board Director met along with the Provincial Execu-~ tive for the semi annual Provincial Board meeting 0! the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Ontario. THE PRESIDENT‘S REPORT Mrs. H. Noblitt The work of the Women‘s lnstitutes moved stead- ily on from the beginning of the New Year. much ofit being done day by day at my home. ThlS- Included an- swering the daily correspondence. compiling a report for F.W.I.C. from the reports of the Board Directors. on the Immigration Policy; a letter to the Hon. Robert Andras on the immigration Policy for FWIO: the President's letters for two issues of Home & Country; the ACWW. FWIC and President‘s reports for this meeting and the address for Olï¬cers‘ Conference. Then there were many meetings in Toronto. An ex- ecutive meeting, a ï¬nance meeting and a meeting for Olï¬ccrs‘ Conference. meetings with Mrs. Zoeller's Er- land Lee Committee. planning the agenda and memo with Mrs. Miller for the Semi Annual Board Meeting. the meeting of the leaders for Oï¬icers‘ Conference. This year the Handbook Review Committee met to re- Vlew the bylaws, I attended a meeting of the Northern Canada Women‘s Institute at the FWIC' ofï¬ce in Ottawa. Mrs. Paton. Field Worker for NCWI was present and there was Lit] opportunity to learn ofconditions in the north first hand. Mrs. Miller and I had discussions With Thos. Cooke and Sons on the trip to Perth. Australia. for the ACWW Conference. Many thanks again to Miss McKercher. Mrs. Zoeller. Mrs, Miller and Helen Arm- strong and all the Board Directors for such ï¬ne co-op- eration in helping to further W.l. activities. SECRETARY-TREASURER‘S REPORT Mrs. Wm. G. Miller As a result of the Handbook Review Committee, minutes have been completed and lists of recommen- dations have been prepared for changes in By-Laws and information for Board Directors. I Lists have been prepared ot‘ those eligible to stand for election as Prmincial President. Copies of list and nomination forms have been mailed. These must be returned by July l. 1974. Many messages of sympathy and get-well cards have been sent on your behalf. Thank-you letters and tokens of appreciation have been sent-to the winners of the A.C.W.W. competition. as well as to those who judged the entries. The winning entries have been sent on to International competition. and all others reâ€" turned to their owners. The interim ï¬nancial report was presented. Since October $1600.00 have been contributed by branches to Pennies For Friendship. and $1668.06 to Save Sight. 93 new life memberships were received. 6 PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER REPORT Mrs. Harvey Houston This is my third semi annual report to you 245 pieces of mail were handled from Oct. lSâ€"Aprll lith This included accounts of meetings to news media att over Ontario. PaCkages Containing Home & GUM†and other related material pertaining to our Wmnun'; Institute work. . My Sincere thanks to Board Directors and than who have taken time to let me know of press Co 333 in their local papers. the feed back in this ar- l h}. been very good. I have been guest speaker I“... branch meetings. and also attended our Board um», W iors‘ subdivision meeting, My Public Relations it ,ptm ‘ has been taken to these meetings. ' It would be helpful if the Board Directors .de , stress at District Annuals that the Financial to l‘ |.l5 not a balanced treasurer’s statement 2.List the items that were used for Public Relai u in community 3.Short written story of activities must be lnClt‘ it My appreciation to other members ofthe F. l0 executive with whom I work for their friendsh ind co-operation. HOME ECONOMICS BRANCH Miss Helen McKercher. Director ofthe Horn co. nomics Branch. stated the main objective of the tale program is to give training in Home Econom for ,. women and girls throughout Ontario. The pro; vi I: designed for riiral participants rather than 1h ll‘~ however. in no way is it limited and will send 'lti assist young women in personal growth and dt up. merit. Nutrition workshops will begin in the Fall I 3174 J instead of Food Forums, to promote nutrition may ‘ lion. Good up-to-daie information will be pre- ed with an aim to dispel fad diets. 57.000 girls and women were reached last .ir; high standards are still being maintained and It rest Continues. There will be no change in the ba 4†_ Homemaking Clubs. the whole program is dc red ‘ for girls and leaders feel they do not want the .ieil “ responsibility of boys in the Homemaking Clui «ni- gram. Miss McKerchcr encouraged all to continm be involved. it is only by doing that we learn. It 5‘ being told. She urged Board Directors to pi nit ACWW contributing memberships as well as in ld‘ ual memberships for FWIC Federated News. ERLAND LEE HOME Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller The Home Continues to generate interest it it“? the members and during our second summer w J"? many requests for tours. The hours are from 4-0“ am. to 3:00 p.rn.. Monday through Friday. Vv still i. askbus loads to book their time of arrival. howe\ rifl‘ diVidual earloads are Welcome to drop in.