The 1973 Girls’ Conference By Maryn Pardi.‘ “You are here because of your ï¬ne L‘Ul’ill’ibtlllun to 4-H Homemaking Club activities.“ Miss Jean Scott. Supervisor ofJunior Extension said. when the opened the 1973 sessions of the Annuui Conference tor 4»H Homemaking Club members. Miss Scott commended the delegates For their achievements Saying lhtlt .1 large number of the girls attending had been awarded Provincial Honours. Tribute \"JR paid h_\‘ the super. visor to Club leaders ‘and parents. She stud thll it would be impossible to carry on the 4-H “urk uiihoui the cooperation of the motherS. Commenting on the Conference theme. "Hurt/tins ’73". Miss Scott urged the girls to widen their human: by taking part in the discussions. learning new skills. making new friends. etc. Dr. W. C. Winegurd. President ot‘thc UI'IHL'I’NIU ni‘ Guelph. welcomed the Igirls to the campus, He stud. that the UniverSIIy is a place for teaching. learning and research. both students and faculty must he will- ing to learn. Lind assured the girls that the} would al- ways receive a friendly welcome ‘at the llniterstt}, HL' said that in 1974 the University which .stiirtcd as the Ontario Agriculture College would celebrate ll.\ One Hundredth Anni\'ersar_\'._ Miss Helen McKercher. Director, Home Economics Program Planning and Supervision of the Confer- ence “as 'ahly carried out under the direction of Miss .le'an Scott. Supemsor ol’ Junior litteimon With the Home Economics Branch. ' ,ssistcd ht Regional Supt-n visors of Count} Home Economistx. Mrs. Mar} Beth Brlsluw. Miss Donna Hepburn, llt‘ld Mrs Murgnrct Woof. Also tiSs‘istittg were Count) Home Economists Mrs. Heather Bl'air. Ml.“ Barbara DeVis‘sclicr. Miss Mar) Ann Dtirnttn. Miss Karen Moses. Miss .lzinct Page. Miss .Iune l’eiigillc}. Miss ls‘ahcl Rose. Mrs Anne Thompson. Miss Barbara Vanden Bosch and Miss Kate Ann \\tihl WOMEN OF THE 70‘s .Eu' "NIL" Tlit' trillion/ii: I\' it ('Ulit‘lt'fht'tl l't'l'\'ttlll til it .vpt't’t'fi mutlt' hr .Ura. H on] in Illl'rllcllll’JHIL' r/it' ,mm‘l' ii ho tl‘Ht‘lrt't't'tl t‘tlI‘t't'r‘t You are the mmicit of the 70‘s B\. I‘ltx’tl man} ol‘ )tttl “iii he 25. )Ull uill pruhahh liat'c nitidc decisions that Will set the course of \our life. You will haw pruhahi} chosen a career. \oti run} he married lltc decisions too will h;l\ i: Ilthit‘ “I†.til‘ccl the “UH gun- L'ration liir some ol’ )oti “1†hi: mothers h} then. so )0†are the \mmcu ol' the 70‘s lamktnii .it toti. l tiiid the potential :ittcsoi‘iic. You are it special group. [Ttit'll dilicrcnt hackgroumls. and dull-rent thpthtllttnh What lllltlt't.’ mawr. parlia- nicntiiriaiii. mother. nurse or surgeon sits hesitlt- ton" You all have dreams Will they reiutiiit dreams or \till you make them become tL'ttiiH. Your drciu‘ii's c‘an become renliti hut \iltl must take sliit’k oi )tittrscll' today consider “hiit tiiii would liltc to do and thc lsind 01' person ion “All†to become iind iith‘ the ncccss‘ar) steps to t'iill'ill your dreams llarring ill hctiltli. _\ou can nitike ot’ your lit‘c \\ltitl \oti “ant There |.\ a grcalcr choice ol' rules for you tndm than then; was for your mothers lhe roles ol' worm-ii are less dctincd. it was (‘llL‘k‘ thought thtit nursing. teaching. secretarial \.\'tit’i\ ucru wontcii's caret-rs now it is no longcr striingc tor you to think of humming an engineer. :i doctor, or it lautcr. The slrrcott‘ped picture of :i WI‘I'lIAlll iii:irryiiiig. rinsing :i t‘umily iiiid working til home which was not long tigo is not so \‘ililLi now. Statistics indicate that K out ol' 1U women m-rk outside the honic :Il sonic time in “It†lives and more ilitin one third ol' iill married wmicn arc working. ('onsidcr What Job prtispcc'ls you Wt†huvc 'al'tcr you ï¬nish your t-diit‘iition. [t is eiisicr to get that education now thtin it WI“ he at‘tcr you are married rind hate children Man) Women return to u profession tiller huvint.v children. So now tiikc udvitn» tiigc ofopporttinities to tind out about various ciirccrs. The door is Wide open to )‘ntl. You must ductdu for ‘1 "‘Branch and Miss Jean Scott, Supervisor of Junior *1. Extension, discuss plans for Conference with Fleâ€" .,. K. .glonat Supervisors. Mrs. Margaret Woof, Mrs. Mary .,s' Beth Bristow and Miss Donna Hepburn. i‘l: 13‘}: ’v 7 toursull‘ liaising your decision on your Interests, tour '-hi|tties. the rewards you wttnt. How Inr do you want (continued on next page)