The Presidents and Secretaries of Wentworth Connty along with Municipal ofï¬cials were spectal guests. p _ An added pleasure. was to see mingling in the crowd. MISS Murjorie Lee and Mrs. H. C. Freal. daughters of Erland and Janet Lee. _ This day was set aside mainly to show the various Council members ot'chtworth how we had spent the grants m generously given. the progress made since the purchase oi‘thc property. and the proposed future use of the Drive House. Mr. John M. Southall. Wentworth County War- den. expressed the hope that our Organization would continue with the keen interest in the Erland Lee Home, and was piuascd With our progreSs during our ï¬rst year of ownership The Warden presented Mrs. Austin Zucller. Chairman. with a cheque for “.0000†fur Ctinlaning operating expenses at the Home. The Mayor of Stone). Creek. Mr. Norman Curry. has been Li staunch supporter of the Home. and has WWI/mid u‘in Mmiilt‘ittiii‘ Wentworth County Ofï¬cials cuttin ribb on â€" Reeve Gordon Dean. Saitileet Townslgiip, Warden John M. Southail. Wentworth County. Mayor Norl man Curry. Stoney Creek. worked With the members of Wentworth Countv over the )‘cttrs Mr.Ciirr_vs:1id “Mv interest in historic res Bn‘ullui‘l is keen and it pleases me to knou this ltï¬'til’ priipcrts is being preserved.“ " Reeve Gordon Dean. Stiltflcet Townshi rais d the Women‘s institutes for being farsighted End: het acqmre the property when: hislors‘ was made g 0 (i All articles displayed in the "Lee" kitche: from individuals or branches. “It is good to know the dining room table is the Home and a copy of the original Constitut. been preserved." The three Council representai ï¬cially cut the ribbon. then all present were browse through the Home. Mrs. .Thos. McCreadie. President. W617 South District. welcomed the group. and rn-. from nearby the Home served lunch and acted u esses. Gordon Bennett. on behalf of the 0 Ministry of Agriculture and Food. brought grf and expressed his thanks for being invited baCk native County and wished us well not only . Home but in all our Women’s institute project Committee members. Miss Helen McKercl-ie Mrs. Wm. G. Miller were introduced and the dent. Mrs. H. L. Noblitt. spoke of the strength in erShlP SW3“ by the Lees since arriving in 1793 vii U" M. .Fll.‘ 12s lii< the uni id-