FEDERATED WOMEN’S INSTITUTES OF ONTARIO PRICE LIST (Revised -â€" OCTOBER 1. 1973) FWIO Badge (oval) ................................................................. $ 365 FWIO Junior Badge ............... 3.1155 FWIC Badge(square) ............ . 0 ACWW Badge (green) ........................... ‘75 Branch Lite Member's Badge ................ 4.75 Board Director's Badge..,...,....,....._ .................. , ...................... 3 .70 Attaching District Bar to Branch Life Member 3 Badge ........ 4.50 Sterling Silver Coffee Spoon with W.|. Crest .................. 2.50 wt Cup and Saucer ....................................................... 10.25 ACWW Green Linen Tea Towel â€" Map ....................... .. 1.35 â€" Flags. .................. 1.60 Rubber Stamp with W.|, Crest .................................... 2.25 Cuts of Crest (for printing) 34 x1 inch ................................... 3.00 W: x 21/2 inches ........................... 3.50 2% x 4 inches .............................. 375* Printed W.l. Gummed Crests non-perforated (3 sizes as abova) .................................................................... Each .01 Embossed blue and goid Gummed Crests .......... roll of 100 1.50 Pattern 01 W1 Crest in 3 sizes: 6 x 9 inches 12 x 18 inches Set of 3.... 1.00 16 x 27 inches W.l. Crest Folded Hash-Notes with envelopes: Lots of 30 or more ................................................. Each .05 Less than 30 ................................................ 2 for .15 Portrait of Mrs. Hoodless # 5 x 7 inches ....................... 1.15 â€" 7 x 9 inches ............................ 1.65 Set 013 Prints ........................................................................ .10 (Mrs. Hoodless. Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir and The Foreword) Dr. Ethel Chapman‘s Book â€" "Humanities in Homespun" (paper cover) .................................................................. 2.00 (cloth cover) ................... 3.50 Ontario W.l. Story .................................................................. 3.00 The above may all be ordered from the F.W.I.O. Office, Fifth Ftoor. 1200 Bay Street. Toronto MSR 2A6, Ontario â€" but no C_O.D. orders. please. As these articles are sold at cost to our members. no sales tax will be charged Make all cheques and money orders payable to the Fed ' ' . erated Women s Insti- tules of Ontario. and not to an erson. Please for payment y D do not send postage stamps ° The largest srze W I cut ma y be borrowed b a B ' - ping charges both ways y ranCh on payment 0f Shlp PLEASE DISREGARD ALL PREVIOUS PRICE LISTS