Hie Presidentir C omer Mrs, Harvey Noblitt. Presi- dent the Federated Women's Institutes of On- tario. It IS a coincidence that at three of the major events [If [hL- Fudcrulcd Wtil‘nL’n'5 Institutes OI OHIal’io “115 war ‘wttI'I'lCtInL‘ has said to me. “It makes ml: 555' PVOUd that I am a Woman Inblllttle member." ('mngidcnuc perhaps. but certainly not strange! 'Ihc lirst time I heard II was at our Oflicers‘ Confer- ence at the I.‘ni\'crsrt_\‘ oi~ Waterloo in May. When I drkcd the \PL’iIIflL‘r what appealed to her. She [Old me that \ltu apprccmtcd the that that here. 70001 us. could gather at the L‘nivurxity campus and speak freely to- .gcthcr. Perhaps we in Canada do not always appre- L'iate our freedom of stirred], She spoke of the splendid :iddrussus. th'll' qualin and messages; of the dedica» lion rit lhu leader» and the eflicicnt planning of the ('cinlcrcnt'c (bmmrttce The ideas given by the dis- ctmnin group leaders and those gained from others in the group. .‘III nt'Miiuh would help to implement a pro- gram that untild hcttcr carry out our educational ob- icrtitcx, 7 the wmnd time I heard the same idea echoed was III the I'CkICItllL‘LI Women‘s Institute of Canada Con- \‘L‘IIIIUII tn BrinII'. TIIL" time a WI. member from an» other pruvrncc. aid \hc was appreciating being able to meet mcml‘iurx Irrim ever) province across the Domin» irin «Ind through “shop talk" compare WI activities and garner nun Idem. Slit: admired the quality of the ICIILIL‘I’KIIIP. the educational program and the excel- lunuc ril‘ handicral‘ts I he minimum that she was part ol‘u \IiII greater nrgani/ation ol'fi million members all over thr: world â€" the ASHUL‘itllr‘d Country Women of the World. She appreciated that through ACWW she belonged to a nun-gtwcrnmuntul organization that has L‘t\n\I|IlLllI\‘L‘ \tattix with the highest organization oi‘all. the Unitcd Nations. No wander she I‘elt proud to be- long In the Women‘s Institute! 'I'hcn. lint August 9. as over four hundred of our I-‘cduratcd Worncn'x Institutes of Ontario members and distinguished \isztnr: gathered in front of our lovely Erland Lou Home. in the shade ol‘the towering [‘tlnL‘S. for :i cert-mun} recalling 301116 of the history of the Home and the pIIhIIL‘ spirited people who had Il\‘L‘d there. over the year; one ol' our members ex- claimde "radix I am proud In its a member of FWIO. .Jthl that. no more. It was truly an :mmioml summaiirin oi all she felt. It was indeed a momentous occaston. We were honouring Erland Lee and his wife (continued on page 4) 1111 Published by the Ontario Mini-try ol Agriculture and Food In Toronto. Ont. In the Interests at The Federated Women's Institutes 0! Ontario and Home Economics Branch EDITOR Mrs. Milton Pardy Home Economics Branch Parliament Buildings, Toronto MM 185 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Mrs. Harvey Noblitt. Bo: 297. RR. 5. Ottawa K15 3N3 Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller. RR, 2. New Hamburg- M'ssHelan McKarchei. Director. Home Economics Branch. Parliamentau ronlo MM 135 MEMBERS OF PROVINCIAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS IBTCI HONORARY PRESIDENT Miss Helen McKercher PAST PRESIDENT Mrs. Austin 5. Zoellar. FIR. 2. New Hamburg. NOB 260 PRESIDENT Mrs. Harvey Nuhlltt. Box 297. HI. 5. Ottawa. K16 3N3 REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENTS wast. Mrs. George Henderson. R R 1. Georgetown (deceased) South. Mrs, Ross Johnston. R. . . Woodslae. North. Mrs. Willard Miles. Box 272, Mattrescin DIRECTORS Mrs Donald MaeLaehlan, RR. 2. Williamstown. KOO 2J0 Mrs. Cecil Ball. H Fl. 1. Prascott. KDE ITO Mrs Pater Timmins, FIR. 8. Perth Mrs Ett‘ie L. Ellerbeck. 700 Hillvlsw Rd. Kingston. KTM 569 Mrs. Clittord Barber. 465 Victoria Ava. Bellevlllo. KBN 2E9 Mrs Shirley Bird. Ft.Fl, 4, Brighton. KOK 1H0 Mrs, Allan Gillls. RR. 2. Cameron. KflM 16D Mrs. Austin Rumble. Ft.R,1, King City. LIJG 1K0 Mrs. George Burnside. 14‘ Fourth Ava., Shelburnc, LDN ISO Mrs. William Fletcher. Po, Box its. Drayton, NnG 1P0 Mrs. James McNeil. FLFI. 2. Atwood. N06 150 Mrs. John M. Bird. RR. 2. Georgetown (Alternate) Mrs Philip Flushhrook. FIR. 2. Goldwater. LuK 1E0 Mrs Norman Tuck. FLFI t. Barrio Mrs. Herb Maluske. Box 74. Cheslsy. NUG 1L0 Mrs Edward Urstadt. FIJI, 7. Owen Sound. NAK 5N7 Mrs Emerson Emke, 31-1-13“! SL. Hanover. NdN 1X6 Mrs H M. Atlamang. RR. 1. (Gilt). Cambridge. MR 552 Mrs. William Mitchell, 79 Maln 5L, Hagarsirille. NBA 1H0 Mrs Votes Editor. 117 Henry SL. Delhi. NIB 261 Mrs Calvin Carmichael. FLFI. 3. lldarton. NDM 2A0 Mrs Gordon Guw. Button. NDL 1J0 Mrs Norman Coulthard. RE. I. St. Pauls. NOK 1V0 Mrs Verne O'Hara. Box 1371. Corunna. NON 160 Mrs E. A Darling. 22 Auoray Straat. Bracaoridga Mrs, Russell Millar. FIR. 1. chassan. POH 120 Mrs Cridwyn Lea. 3:57 Charlotte St. Sudbury. PSE 4c5 Mrs Lorna Wolgomuth. FLR, 2. Thessalon. FOR 1LD Mrs Reoecca Johnson. RR 1. Station F. Thunder Bay. P1-C ‘19 Mrs. Sam Koshi. FLH. 1. Fort Frances JUNIOR DIRECTORS Mrs. William Kloatstra, 3534 Marlborough PL. Niagara Falls. L2.| 253 Mrs. Frank Skulf. RR. 1, Fonthill SECRETARY-TREASURER Mrs William B. Minor. 5297 Lawrence Ave. 5. Highland crook. MIC IF PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER Mrs. Harvy Houston. Box 412. Lucknow, NDG 2H0 SECRETARY-TREASURER Officers' Commence Mrs. Robert B. Weber, Bloomingdale. NDB 1K0 CURATOR PROVINCIAL TWEEIJSMLIIR HISTORIES Mrs, R C. Walker. FLR. 1. St. Ganrga > CONVENERS 0F STANDING COMMITTEES Aercutture and Canadian Industrlos â€" Mrs. Fred Watty. HE. 13- Thu†Cilizï¬rnsshlp and World Attairo â€" Mrs. John Hormonsah. Apt. 315. 2202 \‘r E On Education and Culluml Activitlas â€" Mrs. Lowell C. Eller. RH. 13. Fonwi‘. Fem")! and Consumer Affairs â€" Mrs. Brock Suddnby RR. 1. 08mm†Flesolulluns â€" Mrs. Austin 5. Zoellor. RR. 2. Now Hamburg, N05 35†r3, 1R6