The P resident’s Corner Mrs. Harvey Noblitl. President the Feder- ated Women's insti- tutes of Ontario. As this new year of 1973 dawned we mer- rin exchanged g r e e t i n g s of "Happy New Year“ with those we met whether they were friends or acquaintances. I believe that we truly meant what we said; we did hope that they would be happy: we could not wish them more. Yet more and more in today‘s society people are finding it difficult to be happy. Many of the young, at a time when they should be most joyous. are rebellious. demand- ing, unappreciative and without apparent am- bitions or goals. Despite this there never was a time when youth was offered so many op- portunities â€" opportunities to become edu- cated. to travel. to enjoy recreation and they say. “to do their own thing." Many older folk view with fear and frus- tration the gradual breakdown of the moral fabric of a society they disciplined themselves to mould. The pennies they saved through hard physical labour have gradually dwindled in value. and the feeling of security. for which they strove. has vanished leaving them bereft of their independence and having to rely on provisions of the government â€" not their idea of happiness! Many in between these two age groups are so busy striving for material possessions and a place in their world that they have scant time for the little things that bring happiness. Happiness is not a myth. Nor is it some- thing you can define. for if you try to analyse it. you begin to endanger it! If you are truly happy you are not introspective enough to know why you are. Happiness can only come from being concerned about what you can do for others and forgetting about yourself. A professor of psychology once decided to study the happiest men and women he could find. He chose them from all walks of life. He found. though they were ordinary men and women. they had that extra faculty of being able to use themselves fully. They were all committed to jobs outside ll’temsL‘lVeS; In were people who could accept themselvtw .. others for what they were; people who u. not discouraged with the world they 5a“ , knew it could not be changed overnight; pct who had the ability to appreciate the aim! everyday things 7 a beautiful sunset, or rise, a good meal. flowers. birds. 11 Visit Irw friend or a good story. None of these things is beyond the cap of any of us. If a person is unhappy the . one who can realiy make her happy is he: Sympathy, medical attention. outside an tions may help. but she really holds the l\L fits the door that leads to the world hc herself. where. buoyed up by faith. and -. out criticism. intolerance or hatred. she happy and filled with good will to all. To help develop happier and more II c i t i ze n s is one of the objectives oi Women's Institute. What are some of the in which we can accomplish this? It' the chologist is right. the wholehearted pal‘ti tion in our organization should bring it ness. How much more enjoyable a meet-- when everyone is happy and agreeable: ‘ each member accepts her fellow memht- what she is; praises her efforts: gives her fidencc to participate; helps her in playin best part she can play as a member! again, I express the opinion that the Pre is in a particularly favored spot to st mood of the meeting. She can create . mosphcre of happiness if her meeting 1 planned and lively. Then she will be rt and all will probably go well. if we can our members home happy they will most return to the next meeting eager to take and to make it an enjoyable and pro. experience for all. Yes. in 1973 we do wish our fellowi-~ gift of happiness â€" the gift of being accept what they cannot change and oi of themselves freely and joyoust and . turn reaping a harvest of inner COrllL'l‘ and peace. A PRAYER FOR PEACE Let‘s “11 Pray in our own way that the next will truly be a happy one, a year which further the prospects of peace, and the ideals Opportunity of all. â€"From the 1969 British Culu‘. m Women‘s Institute ' w it * ir HOME AND CC)in "RY