Le" -â€"- Mrs. Stewart Hume, President of the Wellington South District Women's Institute, when the Mosborough Branch was organized with Cborler Members Mrs. John MacGregor, Mrs, Lloyd Dickinson and Mrs. Waller Brydon. AGRICULTURE AND CANADIAN INDUSTRIES Ospringe Roll Call â€" "Bring a product and compose a commmercial to sell it.“ Hillsburgh. The members were entertained by the 4H Homemaking Club girls. Their cur rent project “Dairy Fair" was explained and a quiz, “How Much Do You Know About But- ter and Cream?†was given to the ladies. New Liskeard Roll Call Display an article made in Canada and tell where it is made. Jamitt Creighton â€" A guest speaker rc« viewed some of the old time industries in Can- ada mentioning Maple Syrup Making. Husk- ing Bees, Butter Making, etc, Sparta Sorosis. In June the branch met for an outdoor meeting, The social portion took the form of a fishing party. It wasn't reported how many fish were caught. Tavistock A Landscape Designer speaking at a Branch meeting presented an inside View of how to get the most out of plants and shrubs. He said, “Planting a shrub too close to the foundation of a building mixes it up. as it is summer from a basement on the roots but may be winter on tap. WiNI'ER 1973 Gilberl‘k Mills Roll (‘alL "A sunntxidc nl l'arm life." Kilsylh. The convcncr of this Standing Committee used the l‘ollowing quotation to open her remarks, "What hint than done with the land l have given time?" Underwood. A representative of a local nurâ€" scry spoke on landscaping and answered ques- tions on gardening at a branch mccting. Sarawak. Discusxionx of gardening problems and rose growing were a feature til it brunch meeting. Mitchell Square Roll Call â€" "How chang- ing Agriculture is changing our lives." Pine Grove Roll Call. Each nlCllth‘l‘ to bring an articlc for exchange. hotlscplanl. jam or pickles, Kippcn Roll (‘all â€"â€" “Advantages and dis- advantagcx brought by new industries in the area." A speaker described the manul'acturc of such looth 1“ powdered milk. rcddiwbip. yn- gurt etc. 3'!