Mrs. Emmery Fohner who was confined in a hospital bed being presented with a Life Membership by the Creditan Brunch. Members making the presentation, from left â€" Mrs. Gerald Deoring, Mrs. Earl Neil. Mrs. Bruce Shaplon. The Girls said â€" cont'd from page 14 How could anyone pass up an opportunity like this? I only arrived yesterday and it seems that it‘s going to end all too soon. One thing after another impresses me and the mast prominent is the communication with all the 4+1 girls. All prejudices thrown away and understanding comes in. everyone acts as a whole being. trying dreadfully to respect all privileges. Girls and leaders all as one. enjoying all that Guelph University is offering us, and I sincerely give my thanks to the ones who made this possible. Heaven is resting with us in everything from halls to tours and interest groups. discussions and lectures. Also my thanks goes to our guest speakers who honoured us with their presence. 1 remain quite exhausted from the day . . . Joyce Yerkie Nipissing Left â€" Mrs. Arnold Barrack; Mrs. Clarence Diamond, guest speaker, and Mrs. A. Schmucker at the 75th Anniversary celebration of Beehive, Clifford. little Irea land, Greenbush and Palmerston Women's Institutes. 30 When I was first asked to attend the eont’u. ence I thought it would be boring but I \th very wrong! The conference was intereti ing and we always had something to do. son- of the planned activities were a “get-together fashion show, tour of the campus, :1 gm. speech by Dr. Ethel Chapman, and miniatll' carillon. For my “interest group I had crat‘i Which I learned “origami.†Very interesting liked the “get-together†best of all for I r. and became friends with some girls. I m. there were more “get-togethers". Of coursi- cannot forget the experience we Algoma git had, travelling to. Guelph on the Jet pl.†7000 feet in the air. As a result, the conferen is a great experience I never want to forget. Leslie-Anne Hen ic' Alguv Continued page 31 When Picnic Grove sponsored an "International C: meeting seven members each represented a dith country. illustrated customs of that country using facts, food, clothing, etc. Above â€" Mrs. Pot Mo dreSsed in an Indian sari with a display of art typical of India. Apologies to Brenda Brown of Kenora Sherry Nixon of Parry Sound for not prin your wonderful letters in this Fall issui: Home and Country. We just ran out of 5p. Watch for them in the Winter 1973 I» Edi. * 1r * "In regard to tenacity of life, no old yellow has anything on prejudice. You may kill it t your own hands, bury it deep and sit on the gr and behold! the next day it will walk in at back door purring.†Nellie McCl- * * * HOME AND COUN?