Secretary Treasurer’s Report. Interim October 1, 1971â€"Mareh 31, 1972 Mrs. Wm. Miller â€" reported that according to the latest reports there are in Ontario, 1,299 branches with 30.653 members and 2,508 lite members. One district had not reported at the time of the spring meeting. As Secretary Treasurer Mrs. Miller told of attending all meetings of the following c0m- mittecs â€" Finance. Scholarship. 75th AnnL versary. and one Officers’ Conference; work- ing on final galleys of the New Handbook which was published and mailed to all Wom- en's Institute Branches in January 1972; at- tending several meetings of the Erland Lee Homestead Committee and planning meetings for the 75th Anniversary, meeting Mrs. Olive Farquharson at the Airport, acting as driver for her on several occasions. and being hostess for Mrs. Farquharson, Mrs. Fulton and Mrs. Noblitt for one night. Finance Committee Report Mrs. John Rumble chairman presented the following recommendations from the meeting of the Finance Committee. I. That funds be made available to the Board Directors and the President to be used for or- ganization of new branches, or any meetings to promote the welfare of our organization, at the direction of the President. 2. That the Florence P. Eadie and Dorothy Futcher Scholarships be $100.00 each, and that any difference in funds, if necessary, be made up from General Savings. 3. That the District. County or Area Scholar- ships be $100.00 each for 1972 â€" 4. That the Annual Life Membership Fees for F.W.I.O. 50¢; F.W.I.C. 25c; A.C.W.W. 02c -â€" 77c per life member be transferred from Life Membership Fund to General Savings.†5. That the Erland Lee Homestead Comâ€" mittee. consisting of Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller. Chairman; Miss Helen McKercher, Mrs. H. L. Noblitt, Mrs. Russell Morrison and Mrs. Wm. G. Miller. be given pOWer to spend any neces- sary monies, at their discretion. from that set- aside in the proposed budget. 6. That the president and secretary-treasurer be given power to rc-invest certain funds as and when the debentures become due. All the recommendations were accepted by the Board of Directors. The Home Economics Branch The Director Miss Helen McKercher re- ported a busy year working with committees â€" the Ontario Women’s Institute Story, the 75th Anniversary Celebration. the Erland Lee, and the Constitution Committee which pre- pared the new Handbook. Miss McKercher re- ported that the Home Beenomies Branch has 8 printed 50.000 copies of the Handbook v. over 30,000 copies being distributed. Miss McKcrchcr said, “We are still -: Home Economics Branch but there is it 1 name. We now belong to the Ministry of A; culture and Food with a new deputy mini- Mr. T. R. Hilliard. Mr. Everett Biggs is I'L‘ Deputy Minister of Environment. We . have a new Regional Supervisor of Con Home Economists, Miss Margaret Myer. ' replaces Miss Rosemary Clark." Miss McKercher reported the recent ilk. of Mrs. James Haggerty of Napanee. it. Haggerty was a past president of the Fo‘ ated Women‘s Institutes of Canada as wc' past president of the Ontario Women‘s la tutes. A taping of the 75 Anniversary Lunclu celebrations with newly acquired equipm: by the Personnel Branch was reported. T tape may be borrowed for showing to :1 sn group. but proper equipment is necessary the playback. This tape is a good permaii. record of the Luncheon Celebrations. The F.W.I.O. directors were told that Home Economics Branch is having outline» the Short Courses. Study Kits etc. printed iii leaflet from this year and further lnfOl'mHi is available from the County Home Eco mists. The tailoring course is again availui “Batik†is being offered for a 4H Club pro; and “Dining Around the World“ a new ti. course has been added. Closing her report Miss McKerchcr pressed her appreciation for all the invitati- to attend 75th Anniversary celebrations District Annual Meetings that she had ceived. The F.W.I.O. Scholarship Report Mrs. Lorne Daniel, chairman reporting During the Committee meeting the qu fications of the girls recommended for sch arships were reviewed and the winners cho-o It was recommended that the names of ‘ winners not be announced till a later date: :1. that the terms of reference for the Schol: ships be stressed â€" all things being cqu preference to be given to a daughter 0* Women’s Institute member. The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canon In her report Mrs. Noblitt, who is Sent Board Director from Ontario for F.W.I.C. :i nounced that the next National Conferci- will be held at the Banff School of Fine An: Banff Alberta from June 17-22, 1973. The Directors were told that a kit of that rial on the Federated Women’s Institutes i Canada has been sent to the Ontario offic- This can be displayed at Conventions. Boari Meetings or sent on loan to Branch meetint‘? HOME AND COUNTRY