Dr. Helen Abell, oi the University of Waterloo, speaker at the 197] Women‘s inslilule Officers' Conference. Discussion Groups The 1971 Officers‘ Conference was pro- grammed for the interests of Branch Secretary Treasurers, Public Relations Officers, Mem- bers at Large, District and Area Presidents. Discussion Group chairmen were Mrs. Wm. G. Miller, Mrs. R. C, Walker, Mrs. Stanley Bride, Mrs. Clarence Diamond and Mrs. Austin Zoeller. Discussion Leaders Were Mrs. R. C. Alexan- der. Mrs. Max Hunter, Mrs. Ercell Merritt, Mrs. John Rumble. Mrs. Clarence Shoemaker, Mrs. Roy Westiake, Mrs. Melville Wiseman, lvirs. Calvin Carmichael, Mrs. Vern O’Hare, Mrs. Carmen Stubinski, Mrs. John A. King, Mrs. George Meredith, Mrs. Harvey Noblitt, Mrs. Edison Sine, Mrs. James Bird. Music Mrs. Irwin Maltby contributed to some pleasant and relaxing interludes among the ad- dresses and discussions by leading group sing- ing. A choir, selected from volunteers who inâ€" dicated a special interest in singing was trained by Mrs. Maltby and provided a fine addition to the program during the final Thursday ses- sion of the conference. 3 Tours For many of the delegates attending conference provided an opportunity to vi: Adelaide Hoodless Homestead at St, Gt For this purpose, buses were chartered. A, of Macdonald Institute was also arm I Mrs. Wilbur Lawrence, a former Direcn the Provincial Board was in charge @- tours. Mr, John Dalrymple "Opportunities at Ontario Agricultural leges of the Department of Agriculture Food" was the subject of an address b} John Dalrymple. Director of Interâ€"Br Affairs, Ontario Department of Agritt. and Food. Mr. Dalrymple, using an ovci projector explained the courses of study i- field of agriculture at Ridgetown, Cent Kemptville and at the University of Guelr series of slides showing activities of the y people at the colleges provided a vivid in into the lives of the students on the camr «H :2 Dr. Kathryn Kopi, of the University of Guelph. SPEC at the I971 Women's Institute Conference. HOME AND COUNTL: 2‘