Miss Mabel Cowun, second from lefl’, the firs! Secrelory-Treusurer of the Gulf Women‘s lusiirul'e (1906) read Ihe same minutes of [he first meeting or 1he 65m anniversary. With Miss (Owun, from lefL Mrs R. Thompson, a member of the branch for 53 years, Mrs, Emerson Henderson, Secrelary-Treasurer anu Mrs. F. M. ?u!dy, President of the Gall Brunch. Long-lime members of lhe Goderich Women‘s Institute ,' h - From '9“. Mrs. Ward Misner, life member: MW "'3 cMUl Inevtpe A.ï¬â€™lkannlversury cake. Lef!r Mrs. James Eisseil, Haley, Presidem; and Mrs. Gordon Dunsdon' p, 1'! rs' ' ' all' North Bram Disirid a! the celebruiiun o! It ԠAnniversary of Longford Women‘s Insmufe- 34 ¢RY HOME AND CC)L