Leaders of 4H Homemaking Clubs in Leeds County poriicipuling in a two day Local leaders course On The Jacket Dress. Sealed from left, Mrs. Moorhead, lunsdowne; Miss M, J. Moreland, Joyccvillc; Miss Janice Darling, Tincctp and Mrs. Nora Geen, Tincap. Standing lrom lell, Mrs‘ Ford Huig, Gununoque and Miss Mary Marleen, Home Economist for leads County, Little Britain â€" A speaker discussing the Tweedsmuir History Books stressed the great value of these books for preserving local histo- ry for future generations. Eridale w Those attending a branch meet- ing were taken back in time to the days when “The Maple Leaf Forever" was a popular na- tional song. They were told that the author Alv exander Muir got the idea when walking through the Leslie Gardens in Toronto. A maple leaf lighted on his sleeve and clung there. Muir. a school teacher. completed the four verses and chorus, then composed the melody himself so his pupils could sing it in Confederation Year 1867. He paid $30 to have a thousand copies printed and his total receipts were $4. Wellman‘s â€" it was a very special occasion when the branch celebrated its 50th anniversa- ry since the members had just completed the purchase of a local Church which had been closed. The celebrations took place in this church. Bethesda Reach â€" When the branch cele- brated an anniversary the roll call was an- swered by each member relating an incident in Past meetings. It was recalled that the branch was started as a result of a local church clos- Ing. SUMMER ‘971 Hillsdale â€" Motto e The pendulum ol time makes current events history for tomor» row, For the roll call all members were asked to bring a current event worth recording Glengarry District # Provincial Board Director Mrs. Donald Macl..achlan ol' Wil- liamstown has prepared tor publication a very complete history of the Women's Institute branches in Ulcngarry County and a resume of activities and interests in the Ottawa Area. Denhigh 7 Members were asked to bring pictures that would be suitable to put in the Tweedsmuir History book. (Jne mcmhcr brought wedding pictures of live charter mem- hers Beelon m When this Women‘s Institute Branch celebrated its Sllth Anniversary a charter member Mrs. Kettle was present. Mrs. Kettle has braided over one hundred and twenty rugs many of which she has donated for prizes. * i k The cruellcst Iics are often told in \ilunt‘u. * ‘k t 33