center for minor operations. births and all the other patients, The current population of Yaloâ€" va district is about 23.000 people. Most of the people are too ignorant to benefit from what even such a center could offer, They dont very clearly know why it is there. and the ma- jority have more faith in religion as a cure. This is partly due to the fact that aid of any Lind in such insignificant scale doesn‘t offer hope and encouragement enough. Naymiye Salman would require no further education to perform the duties of it mid-wife. gitc injections. etc.. and lecture them as best she can on baby and child care. sanitation and nutrition. I am sorry I don't know what VON. is, According to our agreement the cop} of which has been sent to F.W.I.O.. she is going to come to our village as soon as She eradttalcs and stay and work in the village for at least two years and cooperate with the lKKt) to elevate the standard of living in the village: otherwise. she would have had to work for the government as a govemmcnt official at .1 public health center or a hospital or clinic as .t recompense for her education. The more brilliant students are given a chance. again on behalf of the government. to do further study. At this point I must give you some informaâ€" tion about the present situation of TKKD. Un- til last year families in our village were very reluctant to have their daughters get educated because: (at all children work for their family income at very tender ages lbt they don't think education is an asset for a girl tc'i they know that their children have no chance of compe[_ iltL' Wlth city children who have had and would still have far better chances (d) they can‘t 11f. ford to educate their children: they can hardly afford to feed and clothe them within village standards. Even if the basic needs and board and tuition are paid. the rest of the expenses Inwlved plus the withdraWaI of a bread-earner front the family is too much (gt prejudice and conservatch traditions against modern educa- tion tfi reluctance to send their loved ones :t\s';t\' to a totalls strange surrounding. among people litL‘\‘ don‘t know or [rust much the same reasons prevented hovs also front pursuing education In 45 years only four bovs had attended junior agricultural high schools. two are attending high school because their tathcrs work in the city. The only girl that at- tended an agricultural iunior hich school doesn‘t live in the Village. SinCe ctcinitv then: has been too other girls who have heengetting an education lhcretorc. the first deed of "llx'l-(D was to encourage education. After opening a course lor the adult women who hadn't a chance to .itteml school ot am kind. the members of the lel3 tried to enlighten the families on the J! necessity and benefits of education. we y opened courses for elementary school an“. ates in collaboration with the three EC} teachers in our village, to give them a be chance to succeed at the entrance exam tions, and promised to undertake to t them with the official procedures invohe. applying for scholarships. It was just at stage that the F.W.I.O. offered the fund, boost of morale was a great help to us ant result was unbelievable. All of the four and three boys who had applied in the hut getting a scholarship had won entrance to ernmcnt boarding schools, except one whose father was willing to pay for his e. tion; and. of the four girls. two won more one scholarship. We are very proud of the education 3 in our village. yet we also know that our dren have had an elementary education . [age level. It is quite difficult for them to pete with their classmates who come frou terâ€"toâ€"do educated families and who hat. better education and have better culture scholarships accorded to the students ill". continued if they have to fall behind a ct standard and they are made to pay back the government has paid for her educate far. This would be ruin for the student an family. The reason I go into all this detail is be. in our last executive committee meeting idea was brought up whether it would be to leave the rest of the F.W.I.O. fUnd i. bank for at least three years and see ‘ could help one of these girls if she may to fail temporarily or if everything goes which we hope it will, assist one of tht pursue further study. Please excuse me for writing so lon: please also believe me that there are very reasons why sometimes it takes so long t to answer your letters. I am the only m of the TKKD who is literate enough to l official papers and correspondence o: kind. I have to help with the accounts in. ords and check with everything that is on and this is one of my various jobs. Ending my letter with best wishes and greetings to you and all the members . F.W.I.O.. I enclose t-iazmiye Salman's 5 phy and picture together with snapsh some of the activities of the TKKD. Sincerely Reha International Secretary to the l -†HOME AND cot At“