h From leftâ€"Mrs. John Charlton, former F.W.l.O. Secretary Treasurer with two charler membersâ€"Mrs. Lewis Lint, Mrs. L. Bruce Mehlenbacker and Miss Jennie Lint; and Mrs. Harold Bother, President, Mrs. James Welman, Secretary Treasurer attending a special meeting of branches in East and West Haldimand. The Charter members were presented wilh life memberships and badges. To The Heroic Soul Be strong, 0 warring soul! For very sooth Kings are but wraiths, republics fade like rain, Peoples are reaped and garnered as the grain, And that alone prevails which is the truth Be strong when all the clays of life bear ruth And fury, and are hot with toil and strain: Hold thy large faith and quell thy mighty pain: Dream the large dream that buoys thine age with youth. Thou art an eagle in a sea-stopped cave: He, poised in darkness with victorious wings, Keeps night between the granite and the sea, Until the tide has drawn the warder-wave: Then, from the portal where the ripple rings, He bursts into the boundless morning-free! Duncan Campbell Scott SUMMER 1970 THE GRADUATION PARTY THEME “A MOON VISIT" The eight directors who have now almost completed their term of othce on the F.W.I.O. Provincial Board were hostesses to the other directors and the executive at :1 “Graduation Party.“ Guests received invitations written on flat rocks and each guest was escorted to the Games Room in Lambton Hall by :1 retiring director in a c0stumc of byâ€"gonc days. The program opened with a salute in song to the president. Mrs, Zocllcr. Games. contests and a takeoff on l.Q. testing provided much amusement. There was a visit to the moon where the old man in the moon performed his sweeping dutics. The little dog laughing and the “cow that jumped over the moon" were present. Mrs. Roy Westluke was the commentator for a fashion show. The costumes were a com- ic variety, made from boxes, cans, etc. A salute in song written by Mrs. Earle Gibb. and lunch completed the evening of turn and farewells. 'I'I