With the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada “The Second Century Challenge to Wom- en". is the tith or the essay for the Citizenship Project of the Federated Women‘s Institutes of Canada lor the term 1967-70. Mrs. W. M. Gates. FWIC Convener of Citi- zenship and Education. in announcing the rules tor this term's competition, explains the theme was selected as many Canadians. now that the Centenary is over. are looking ahead and wondering what the next 100 years will hring. “Women as \tell as men of our country “I†he helping to shape the destiny of Canada and many Women‘s lnstitutc members will be intt-lved in this“. says Mrs. Gates. adding this sittitliti he of concern to everyone and urging all lWlL' Branchu to take part in the compe- town. 'I he competition was inaugurated by the late Heltalttr ('airine Wilson. Viceâ€"Patron ot' the na- tional nrgani/ation. in 1957. She donated a trophy, ., silver row howl. which the FWIC has had lnHL‘l’ihL‘ti Wilh the words. “The Sena- tor ('airine \Vilsun ('itizenship Project". thus perpetuating her name as one keenly interested in the Women's Institute and the part that “omen should play in the affairs of Canada. the lnrm the competition may take is decided Ior each term h} the FWIC Board of Direc« turn. all relating to some aspect of the over-all theme-t tit/enship. IitL' essay is not to exceed 2.000 words in length. llimination contests are to take place at l’rotincial level. with the winning entry going to Mrs. (rates. to he judged by a panel appointed for the task. The closing date for the National Competition is May 15. I970. ln Jul\. 1%â€. members from all Branches of lhc \urlhcrn Canada Women‘s Institutes “‘1†gather at Yellow knife. \i.W.T., for a semi- nar in he held under the auspices of the Assoâ€" ciated ('onntry Women of the World. The Area Vice-President for Canada, Mrs. 1. Philip Malia-son, in making this announcement stated a grant of Slum: will he furnished from the l.lti\. Aberdeen Scholarship Fund of ACWW to .t\\I\l in providing this learning experience for the women of the Northwest Territories and the Yukon. About fifty participants will be attending {or the ten days. July 21-31. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Matheson. preliminary plans were drawn up at a recent meeting of the NCWI Committee of the Fed- 20 erated Women‘s Institutes of Canada. who responsible for the arrangements and are contributing financially toward the seminar The theme for the seminar, as approved ACWW. is “Conservation and Developmen: Human and National Resources". This will developed under several headings as \\. progresses on the proposed program. Resoi persons will be called in to assist as required The ACWW has. over the years. sponw seminars in many developing countries of world. in co-operation with their local Cont uent Societies. This is the first one to be t: in Canada and keen interest is being expret in this joint project of the international national organizations. Two new Women‘s Institutes in the Yu: have been reported by the Field Worker, .M. E. Lambert. These are a Junior gr- sponsored by Teslin W.I., the other at Ha; Junction. taking the name Shakwak Va' W.I.. as members are from many plu throughout the Valley. “Keen interest was shown and when weal breaks and warms we have at least four a: women who intend to join but who were I‘ ble to come because of the cold“. writes .Lambert. In spite of the thermOmeter hOVet around the 50 degrees below mark. fill women did get together to organize this i W.I. in Mrs. Lambert’s home. How mam us could match that for determination! The very first Women‘s Institute in the nadian North was organized at Haines J" tion by Mrs. Wm. Hough, during her there in 1956. A few years after she left it banded so it was great pleasure the news it been reâ€"activated and enlarged was received the Northern Canada W.I. Committee at its cent meeting in Ottawa. There are now t branches of the NCWI in the Yukon. Willi approximate membership of 75. Mrs. Lami plans further extension work when the W621i moderates. An interesting development has occur; The story of the moosehair embroidery plan entered by the Fort Providence Women's lit tute in the international competition sponstv by the Associated Country Women of World. and which won an award. was cart in The Countrywoman, the ACWW magaZt‘ HOME AND COUNT '