Discussion Groups Leaders, Mrs. J. S. Holden (left), Mrs. Cecil Pink (centre), with Mrs. Zoeller at the 1969 Ollicer 1 Conference. The Role of Women in the Modern Community Dr. Elizabeth Waterston, Associate Profes- sor. Department of English, Wellington Colâ€" lege. University of (juelph was the guest speaker iii the Closing sessions of the 1969 Of- tieers' (‘onlerencu Using the title. "The Role Ul Women in the Modern Community." Dr. Wuterston opened up new avenues of thinking tor the delegates when she outlined the many titles lllill ti ttt‘imttn plays in her life. mention- ing the rules of daughter. friend. lover. Wife and mother. Each role has many variations. ilie sneik;r \itlLl. and the variations are chang- ing,- “ill‘l modern times. In this age when housework is not such a tiiiie-eiiiistiiiiine occupation as it was in the Ll;t_\-\ iii pioneer mothers. women are freed to enter lieu rules. A woman has some special qualities lur riiles outside the home. These tiiiiiliiies ill't.‘ patience, grace. humour, and Creiilit‘tlt'. Di: Watt-Nun urged the women to read the hooks \\r|llt.‘n by pioneer women such as Mrs. Maudie. Mrs. Jill‘llleOt‘t. the Strickland sisters. Anni: itingtlur!‘ who wrote :1 diary telling of the lite iit her l.inlllk‘ as pioneers in Eastern Uiit.ii*ii- lilt:\L' tinnieii left cultured homes in | iieliiiitl In ii} to cope with the harsh realities iii l‘lthll liiiiig in ('iinzitlzi. yet found time to t‘tL'utL' ;iii mm in gracious |i\iiig in their ltll'nl- It lllL' [I‘m also liiuntl time to write books telling All their esperit‘nces. "think at l.. M. Montgomery.†said Dr. \\';iit-i‘st-iii. “She Was the wile til it minister. a mother. .iiiit ltILlnLl lime to write twelve hooks in eighteen tears. "Like the time. make the time." urged the speaker. “to do something creative, write Ll liimk_ keep it diary." "()iir imrld is Ltl'l expanding community. a global \illtige (Marshall McLuhan) and we must exiitiiitl with it. Certainly the Women’s Institutes tire reaching out with our support for training a midwife in Turkey. But are personally expanding the horizons of u. i thinking,†asked Dr. Waterston. Dr. Waterston was introduced by Mrs. H mer Judge and thanked by Mrs. Wm. Fm lin. The sessions of the 1969 Officers’ Com ence closed with Mrs. Maltby at the piano ;. leading the delegates in a singsong: “Make new friends but keep the old, One is silver; the other is gold." The song took on a new meaning as the U: egates prepared to leave for home. The chi who had rehearsed diligently then ESSEmhi on the platform and delightEd the Women \‘. five songs. ending with Now Is The Hour. * * ‘k "A man there was, and they called him mad: more he gave, the more he had." Bunya. * * * Congratulations To The Oshweken Brant-ti All of the Women's Institute Branches Ontario extend warm congratulations to Oshweken Branch not only for their dedieit work in establishing a library for the intt people at Oshweken but also for receivng award from the Women‘s Canadian Club Toronto to assist with supplying books for library. This award. a cheque for $400 in this c.- was established a few years ago by the Wi- en‘s Canadian Club to be given to an {lLlli'i After a time it was felt by the Club that iii were several awards for authors so it was cided that the award would be given to :- brary which paid special attention to the pH sion of children’s books. Through a newspu story the Award Committee heard of the t‘ weken library. investigated and so the :i\was given. * i * "it is agreeable to all processes of history I each of us should try to do the good Ell-1‘ straight under our noses. Those people work in wisely who seek to achieve good in their own ~r: corner of the world and then leave the leave“ leaven the whole hump, than those who are inn thinking that life is vain unless one can-act thrm the central government, carry legislation, acliir political power and do big things. British Historian Herbert Butterfiek * 'k 1' HOME AND COUNT"