’1! Newly elecled members of lhe Provincial Board of Directors with Miss Helen MrKercher, Director of the Home Eco- nomlcs Emmil'l: "1.8. Honoumble W- SlEWUrl. Minisler, lhe Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food; and Mrs. Everett Small. rellrlng F.W.l.O. prestdenr. Bock row â€" left lo right: Mrs. George Reist, Mrs. R. C. Moflul, Mrs. H Empey. Mrs. Wilmer Ribey. Miss Marion Rullan. Mrs. Edison Sine, Mrs. Jack Campbell, Mrs. George Meredith. Mrs. Murray Smith, Mrs. Annie Milligon, Mrs. Russell Morrison, Mrs. William Mokins. Front row: Mrs. Frank Toille, Mrs. N. A. Fletcher, Miss Helen McKercl‘ler, Hon. Wm. A. Stewart, Mrs, Everett Small, Mrs, H. Noblit‘l, Mrs. Wilson Johnson. limit damage from their abuse and to check illegal trade within their own and other counâ€" tries; that the Lady Aberdeen Scholarship broaden its scope to include projects and semi« nars on conservation; that where needed and possible affiliate societies approach appmpriutc authorities to set up training centres for farm- ers and their wives; and that there be wider dissemination of A.C.W.W. information. Mrs. C. Diamond attended the Publicity and Publications Committee Meeting of the confer- ence when discussions were held re subjects for the next Triennium‘s Essay Competition. Three subjects were recommended to General Purposes Committee for their decision: “The Country Woman's Year", “My Countryside“. and “Stories From My Country‘s Folklore". After considering suggestions for handwork it was decided to recommend the making of a place mat using any material or technique. A craft exhibition is to be considered. A recommendation was made that twenty free copies of leaflets will be sent out on re- quest and a flat rate of postage charged. Addi~ tional copies may be purchased at the rate pre~ Vailing at time of request. These recommenda- tions were sent to the Finance Committee and later accepted by the conference at one of the plenary sessions. The A,C.W.W. tea towel is to be up-dated with the new societies printed on it and the committee was given permission to make additional printings if and when nec- essary, depending on future sales. Kits of small flags and identification of flags at conference are to be considered. Mrs. Rex Rollins, F.W.I.0. delegate to the WINTER I 969 Finance Committee reported to the Board the acceptance of thc preliminary Triennial Budgâ€" et: the unanimous agreement that the A.C,W.W. Fund “Pennies for Friendship" rc- tain its name. but that the societies could feel free to translate the word “Pennies†into what they feel will produce best results. Delegates were urged to encourage their members to he- come A.C.W.W contributing members. Forms may be procured from the l-‘.W.l.0. office but must be signed by the applicant and someone who is a contributing member and accompa» nied b) three-dollar fee. Applications are to be sent to the area vice president for Canada. Mrs. J. Philip Matheson. Oyster Bed Bridge. P.E.I. who will forward it to the A.C.W.W. office, Life membership applications, the cost of which is SM). are to he sent directly to the ACWNV. ol'fice if applicant has previoust been a contributing member. A resolution and amendment re increasing A.C.W.W. societies dues was not sustained since a number of societies are unable to send money out of their countries. Mrs. H, Barr. Honorary Trciourer would like to receive ducx from societies by December 3151. Mrs. Stanley Bride reported on the Constitution Committee Meeting which she attended when a resolution was carried that only two registered delegates from each Constituent Society be admitted to conference committee meetings but only one person to speak or vote: that the officers of the organization. one Council member from each Constituent Society and coâ€"opted (ones with special qualifications and previous experi- ence) members of council shall attend confer- 7