23, 24 and 25, 1968. This included panel dis- cussion and workshops. The Ontario Commit- tee for Education Week held three meetings in the Education Centre, featuring discussion of the possibility of amalgamation or some ar- rangement whereby the Canadian Education Association would take over National Educa- tion Week, planning for all of Canada; min- utes were Sent out. Rules and regulations for public speaking contests supported by Hydro are available. Elizabeth Fry Society Mrs. Calnan, F.W.I.O. representative to the Elizabeth Fry Society reported that plans for a new house for the Society are progressing very slowly. The Society is a centre of activity and anyone close to the city who is desirous of doing volunteer work in the office is most wel- come. Consumers’ Committee of Ontario Food Council Mrs. Hugh McMillan, representative from F.W.I.O. to the Consumers’ Committee of the Ontario Food Council attended three meetings this past year dealing mainly with problems such as imported food with relation to Canadiâ€" an grOWn products; milk substitutes versus milk solids; the tomato and maple syrup indus- tries; weights of foods packaged in store, etc. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to read labels on what they are buying. Speakers are available from the Ontario Food Council. A Dial-A-Menu Service â€"- weekly menus of foods in season -â€"â€" is now available to all housewives in the province who write to Food Council for it. Ontario Historical Annual The convener of Historical Research, Mrs. Wilson Johnson reported on the annual meet- ing of the Ontario Historical Society in Kings- ton in June. Visits were arranged to historical sites in the area â€" Murney Tower Museum and Bellevue House, the one-time residence of our first Prime Minister. Sir John A. Mac- Donald. Papers were presented on “The Presâ€" byterians of Eastern Upper Canada"; “The Houses of Canada and the Family Compact". The guest speaker at the evening banquet was Kay Lamb. Business was conducted on the last day, followed by a city bus tour. Ofï¬cers’ Conference MIS. Gerald Holder, Ofï¬cers' Conference Secretary-Treasurer presented the report of the 20th annual Officers’ Conference held May 1st and 2nd, 1968 at the University of Guelph. With 660 applications received, 519 delegates attended. Cancellation rate fell to 21%, no doubt due to the opportunities for branches to WINTER 1969 send a memberâ€"atâ€"large if first or second choice was unable to attend. “A full story of this conference was in the Summer 1968 issue of Home and Country". Following the adoption of Mrs. Holder’s re» ports, the board directors voted to accept the recommendations from the Conference Com- mittee to have an Officers' Conference in 1969 for (l) branch presidents (2) branch secretary- treasurers, secretaries or treasurers, or (3) members-at-large, in that order. and for dis- trict public relations officers. The pooling fee will remain at $30 and conference will be held at the University of Guelph, April 30 and May 1st, 1969. Tweedsmuir Histories Mrs. R. C. Walker. provincial curator. re- ported that this was her first incomplete report because she had had no response from the Ot- tawa area. Grey-Bruce area was the only one with 100% reporting at branch level. There is a slight increase in the number of histories being compiled. Extensive use of Tweedsmuir Histories was made in 1967 and indications are that it is continuing claSsroom research. During the year four books were lost through fire, death, or other causes. Mrs. Walker stressed the mi- crofilming of completed copies for safety and preservation but cautioned against ordering a copy of microfilm if your library is not equipped with the necessary reader equipment. Tweedsmuir History Workshops have been held again throughout the province and area curators are urged to have annual meetings with district counterparts and likewise at dis- trict and branch level. Mrs. Walker would like Tweedsmuir Histo~ ries from disbanded branches traced, a list of all farms held by direct family line for a cen- tury, notice of histories ready for microfilming and of any who have had the same printed; and lastly, 100% reporting at every level. Vanier Institute Annual Mrs. Leonard Trivers gave a report on the annual meeting of the Vanier Institute of the Family. A national conference will be held Ocâ€" tober 25-29, 1970 with the theme “The Social Impact of Environment on Children, Youth and Familyâ€. Five sub-conferences will be held with one in Toronto on February 12â€"14 on “Educational Environment“ because next to the family the school is the most significant in- fluence on the child. Three or four young peo- ple will be chosen from a list of names which Mrs. Trivers requested be sent in for consider- ation to attend and give opinions at the meet- mg. 15