3961 uawwns Convenllon Mooring Flam éenlral Onlari; Mrs. Thomas Toronlo Area Cochran: and I Temiskoming Area Engleharl Euslern Area Ottawa Grey-Bruce Area Chesley Guelph Arcu Guelph Ham-Iran Arno Nuuqora Full: lmgflon A.ch Chullcy's loch landon Area lnqcrsnll Narlhcm Area Bah Falls Horn: Ccnlrgl Arcq Saul! Sle Mane Norlhucsrrrn Area Erna Symmc Area Soulhwcslgrn Area Lcuminglon Trenl Vallev Area Eellevdle ' Canadian lnrllr Agricullure and Jennings RR. 1, Belhany Mrs. A. E. Ross Box 434 Cochrone Mrs. Hugh Coons lnkerman Mn, Alvin Thompscn RR. 3, Chalsworlh Mrs. R], 'l. Gadshill Mrs Allan Slcwarr IR 2 Ancasler Mrs A Saudi-r PR 2, Eloync Mrs c D, Phillips RR 6 Aylmcr Mn McMann-n Kcarncy Mu, erluar‘“: Gardiner Iron Budge Vinccnl Mn Emil Andulca 909 Cropp Ave Forl Franc“ Mr; 10:! Franc! l07 Johnson Sr Barn: Mn Peler Ferguxan Bi l Flc'ckcr Mrs Lama 95.: Holloway Alex McDonald Citizenship Hislaricul Research and and V-EL=:"3! -.C_‘*"_"1Eve"b , Mrs. Mervin Webslerers. Fred Fergus Wallerhause RR, 1, Caledon Mrs. Sydney Surlees Mrs. John Findlay R.R. l, Churllon Box 323, Mulhcsan Mrs. Charles Smilh Mrs. R. A. D. Newinglon McTuvish Balderson Mrs. Maurice Mrs, Harry lavis Gowanlocl lurknow KR l, Allcnlurd Mrs R. C, Alexander Mrs, Arnold Dorrack lI-l Renway Dr Chlford Georgerown Mrs Horace lodman R I! 1 Mrs. Roy Summer; Sr Gcorgo R? T, Fonlh.“ Mn Howard Walker R R l_ Lombardy Mrs. Ray Johnson 3-! Glcdslone Ave 5| Thames Mr: D erlmmi Camden Easl Mrs James Lilllr Mn Srdflev Pcrrv Mu lhomai Dyv: Bola Bar 1045 Hunlsv-llc Mn Ken Tc:an Mrs Harold Lone 3-3 Lain Earn;- Island Mu. Ben All Huor‘ M’$.G¢G!gc1cwa‘ Dar-an Son 206 EN: Mu Ed Sana-r Mr; ‘r-‘alreroz-drï¬; RR 2 Or-ll-c Mr†Lang Wan-ago Mrs Edgar Sum-c, M'H w H Wang†B'iqdan P P 5 MM, Evuell Philllps Mrs Leann“: Troller I35 College 5' R P 2 Mano: Eclicwlla l? R Ilhamczlard TFSFEIHiHE Home Eronnmits and Haullh Curalors ‘ Public Relulions l Olflcar‘ Resolutions Mrs. Malcolm Emerson . ll Rownlree Mill Nestleron Rd. ' Weslon Mrs. Frank Goddard er5. Ralph Horner Temagami I 501. 33, New | Lislteard 7 Miss Kalhryn Farmer RR. I, Barry's Bay Mrs. Peggy Humpel Cobden Mrs. Viclor Emerson Vlhilechurch Mrs. C. D. Sulclille, ‘ Dcsbaro Mrs. Elmer Wilker Mrs, Manscll Nellis |39 William 5!, R R, l, Aclon Slrullord Mrs R, G Walker Mrs Yulcs Euller RE I. Sr George R R. 3. Vanessa Mrs Arlhur Hudson Mr: Gwen Clark [1?! Horrowsmurh Mrs Cyrrl Wllliami Mrz. Calvin R l? 8. S! Thomm Calmuchacl I ll 3, llderlon PAr; 5 Panhna Mrs. Percy Clarl emu Dmghl Mrs. Ber! quleslield Mrs 454 Wcllvngmn John McVIIIm- Box 54 Mrs. Arrhur E, Dean Mrs. Donald York: Box 76 ‘ Sullan Wesl Mrs. Campbell Sample RR. 3, Thornloe Mrs. J. F. Sunderlnnd II3B Falaisn Rd., Ollawa erx. James Coync _ ER. 6, Wiarron l :Mra. Roberl Weber Mu. MauricaiJanes Glencairn Mrs. Burl Brownlee Box 226, Englehurr Mrs. R. G. McCallum Russel! “Mrs. Archie Givens KR, l, Wiarlon Mr). J, E. Morlaclc Blookingdalc Si. Jacobs Mrs. V-clor Dulkanki ers. Russell Box 33 Yungblull Caislorvillc 3.9. l, Fanlhill Mrs. Fred Milrhell lunsdawne Mrs W. 8. Sleazy Lonidawne Mrs. George Wallace Mn. A. J. Gelller H? 4‘ lngermll Mn. Jack Campbell R R 3, Narlh 801 Fullarlon l Mn. Lollin Whill‘alcr Pawassan Mrs. Brock Sudduby Mn Henry Johnson I? R 7, Desbarcls 28 Slaven Sr. Scull SIB Marie 47 Campbell SI. Collmgwood SI E Huron Beach Sam 5:: Mat: Mn N G qurell Mn. Huber! Gibson Mrs. M, Flamand 26 272! RI? 3, 301 SM Farr erltam Farr “Nahum Rainy River Mr: Ruben Kcl‘ Mrs. Erncu Hodgson Mm Sadie McOuccn>Mrs Don Maseru Cmrgrm HP 1 Brudlord Box 543' 256A Main Sr Slayner Mu George For Mr: Thomas Crall Mrs. Clare Lunn Ban lbs Pidglown ER Cl Maldrlune Mu. Ralph Sills w; P! l_ Ha‘m-cv RI. 4 Para-thoroth Clarence Mann Mrs Hurry De Clair ll? 2, Thamesvillc‘Mn. George Dmglt Ousensboro .‘Mrs. Harry Shearer Camlachie RR. 1. lakefield Junior Acrllylrlol 7 Miss Marian Rullan Teeswoler Mrs. James Conuybearr: Ml. 2, lislowcl Mu. Neal Hopkins ‘ 41 Mounlain Rd, Sloncy Creek Mrs. William Spence 31.6. 5!. Mar-f: Miss Susan Aylyea RI. 2, Hillier